

It’s DailyArt App’s 8th Birthday – Here Are The 10 Most Liked Paintings We Presented in 2020

Today is a special date. Exactly 8 years ago, in 2012, everything began for us with the launch of the DailyArt mobile app. It is a very simple app...

Zuzanna Stańska 22 August 2020

Museum Stories

Monuments Now: In Search of New Monuments

Exhibition review of "Monuments Now" at Socrates Sculpture Park in Long Island City, New York.

Jennifer S. Musawwir 21 August 2020

Ancient Art

The Torlonia Marbles: A Long-Awaited Classical Collection

After strictly remaining in the shade for decades and decades, one of the world’s most extensive private collections of classical sculpture, the...

Erol Degirmenci 20 August 2020

Women Artists

Artist Interview: Anita Yan Wong and Lingnan Painting

Lingnan style guo hua is an early 19th century style of Chinese painting, from Lingnan in the Southern region of China. Its origins are a...

Isla Phillips-Ewen 19 August 2020

Ancient Rome

Khaled al-Asaad — The Hero of Palmyra

Five years ago on August 18, 2015, the world-renowned Palmyran expert Khaled al-Asaad was brutally murdered by the Islamic State (ISIS) after weeks...

Maya M. Tola 18 August 2020

Art History 101

Royal Portraits: The Art of Image OLD VERSION

Shakespeare once wrote, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” For monarchs...

Abreeza Thomas 16 August 2020


The Government Venus: Top Five Portraits of Elisabeth of Russia

Elisabeth of Russia (1709-1761) was the most beautiful empress from the Romanov dynasty. Contemporaries called her “the sparkle of Peter the...

Guest Profile 12 August 2020

Shiva Linga Iconography

The Shiva Linga or Shiva Lingam is a highly regarded and widely recognized icon in the Hindu world. This curious phallic structure has been...

Maya M. Tola 12 August 2020

Museum Stories

10 National Museum in Warsaw Highlights You Need to Know

The National Museum in Warsaw is one of the most important museums in Poland. It also has an amazing collection of art – which obviously...

Zuzanna Stańska 10 August 2020

Museum Stories

HERE: Black in Rembrandt’s Time. The Rembrandt House Museum Decolonizes

Afro-Amsterdam was not like what you think it was! During the 17th century, the African community lived amicably with the local community in the...

Urvi Chheda 4 August 2020


Tsuguharu Foujita: The Cat Master

While there are many artists who can be called cat-lovers, only one can be called the master of cats. Léonard Tsuguharu Foujita was a...

Zuzanna Stańska 3 August 2020


Punk in Art: Steampunk, Dieselpunk, and Cyberpunk

There are many artistic styles and genres not recognized by the official art world. In some cases, the artists of a certain genre struggle for...

Errika Gerakiti 28 July 2020