
Women Artists

10 Female Artists Forgotten By Art History

Many great female artists tend to be forgotten in art history. Those who have been neglected and marginalized for years or even centuries, lately...

Zuzanna Stańska 8 March 2023

Rose Peckham, May Alcott Nieriker, 1877, Louisa May Alcott Memorial Association, Orchard House, Concord, MA, USA. Orchard House’s website. Women Artists

Abigail May Alcott Nieriker: Feminist Trailblazer and the Real Amy March from Little Women

Abigail May Alcott Nieriker was the real Amy March from Little Women. However, she was so much more than an inspiration. Born under a lucky star, she...

Jimena Escoto 8 March 2023

Joseph Benoît Suvée, Invention of the Art of Drawing, 1791, Groeningemuseum, Bruges, Belgium. Ancient Greece

Unveiling the Mythical Origins of Painting: The Tale of Dibutades, the Maid of Corinth

Long ago in the city of Corinth in Ancient Greece, a young maid traced the contour of her lover’s face on the wall. The man was leaving on a long...

Jimena Escoto 8 March 2023

European Art

Royaltastic Queens: Women Who Fought the Patriarchy and Won!

Follow us on a short historical tour of thriving royal women across Europe who enjoyed power and success on their own terms. How we measure royal...

Candy Bedworth 6 March 2023


The Largest Ceiling Fresco in the World: Giambattista Tiepolo in Würzburger Residenz

Giambattista Tiepolo brought Venice back to the artistic spotlight in the 18th century. Without a doubt, the crowning achievement of Tiepolo’s...

Anastasia Manioudaki 5 March 2023


The Downfall of the Mighty Lydian King Candaules in Art

Suppose you are not satisfied with any of the historical or fantasy dramas out there lately where all kinds of slander, deception, and politicking...

Erol Degirmenci 2 March 2023


Vermeer As You’ve Never Seen Before at the Rijksmuseum

This year we have a chance to witness the largest Vermeer exhibition to ever be held. From 10 February to 4 June 2023,  the Rijksmuseum is...

Nicole Ganbold 2 March 2023

Johannes Vermeer, A Girl Asleep, 1656–1657, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA. Baroque

Vermeer’s Desperate Housewives

Johannes Vermeer was a master of ambiguity. His silent and calm interiors, and beautiful Dutch women, although innocent at first glance, seem to be...

Magda Michalska 2 March 2023

Magdalena Abakanowicz from Every Tangle of Thread and Rope exhibition at Tate Modern, London, United Kingdom, phot. Joanna KaszubowskaMagdalena Abakanowicz from Every Tangle of Thread and Rope exhibition at Tate Modern, London, United Kingdom, phot. Joanna Kaszubowska Women Artists

Magdalena Abakanowicz and Her Abakans in Tate Modern

A beautifully curated exhibition at Tate Modern, in London, UK, explores the transformative period in the career of Polish artist Magdalena...

Joanna Kaszubowska 27 February 2023

Black Matrilineage, Photography, and Representation: Another Way of Knowing, edited by Lesly Deschler Canossi and Zoraida Lopez-Diago, Leuven University Press, 2022 (cover image) Photography

Black Motherhood in Photography: Book Review of Black Matrilineage, Photography, and Representation

Black Matrilineage, Photography, and Representation: Another Way of Knowing by co-editors Lesly Deschler Canossi and Zoraida Lopez-Diago of the...

Jennifer S. Musawwir 27 February 2023


The Bible According to William Blake

William Blake (1757–1827), an English Romantic poet, painter, and printmaker, was commissioned by his patron Thomas Butts, a civil servant, to...

Magda Michalska 26 February 2023

Women Artists

Dream-Like Artworks: Minnie Evans’ Divine Inspiration

Folk Art, Surrealist, Visionary, Americana, call it what you will. Minnie Evans’ (1892—1987) dream-like artworks speak of another world, a world...

Rachel Witte 25 February 2023