
Vincent van Gogh - Self-portrait with bandaged ear (1889, Courtauld Institute) Artist Stories

The Mystery of Vincent van Gogh’s Death

Vincent van Gogh’s death occurred in the early morning of 29 July 1890, in his room at the Auberge Ravoux in the village of Auvers-sur-Oise in...

Zuzanna Stańska 30 March 2024


Vincent van Gogh Copying Other Artists

Vincent van Gogh is famous today for two reasons. Firstly, his unstoppable creativity. He produced 2,100 artworks in just over a decade. And,...

Anastasia Manioudaki 30 March 2024

Love Story

The Sad Story of Vincent van Gogh and His Lovers

Vincent van Gogh’s love life was a really sad one. The list of the artist’s lovers is full of unsuccessful advances and rejections. This is the...

Zuzanna Stańska 30 March 2024

Textile artist Sheila Hicks Women Artists

Between Fiber and Color: The Art of Sheila Hicks

Celebrated as one of the biggest names in textile art, Sheila Hicks has a long history of studying ancient techniques and cultures. She has traveled...

Natalia Tiberio 29 March 2024

Wang Ximeng, One Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains, Song dynasty, 1113, ink and color on silk scroll, Palace Museum, Beijing, China. Detail. Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: One Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains by Wang Ximeng

Wang Ximeng’s One Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains is a masterpiece of the Northern Song dynasty and of the larger history of traditional...

James W Singer 29 March 2024


Phaidon’s Vitamin T: A Complete Guide to Textile Art

Gathering the work of over 100 artists, Vitamin T: Threads and Textiles in Contemporary Art is the most comprehensive survey of artists currently...

Carlotta Mazzoli 29 March 2024

Arthur Bispo do Rosário South American Art

The Embroidered Life of Arthur Bispo do Rosário

Arthur Bispo do Rosário is a mythic figure in Brazilian art. He never considered himself an artist and he spent many years living in a psychiatric...

Natalia Tiberio 29 March 2024

North American Art

An Unusual Comparison: Amish Quilts and Modern Art

Many people would never expect to see an Amish quilt and a painting by an American abstract artist displayed together. However, since the 1970s,...

Heather Johnson 29 March 2024


A Meringue Ballerina: Anna Pavlova in Paintings

Anna Pavlova, a Russian ballerina, was highly independent for her times. She formed her own company and choreographed her own performances. She toured the world for twenty years and introduced ballet to other parts of the world. Pavlova was so famous that she was honored with a dessert named after her, it is called the Pavlova cake!

Anuradha Sroha 29 March 2024

Asian Art

Turmoil and Resilience: 20th-Century Korean Art

The history of modern Korean art is closely linked to the historical events unfolding in the country at the time. The 20th century was a very...

Guest Profile 28 March 2024


10 Gorgeous French Churches (That Aren’t Notre-Dame de Paris)

Do you still remember the Notre-Dame de Paris? It suffered a horrible fire in April 2019. Notre-Dame is by far France’s most famous church, but it...

Alexandra Kiely 28 March 2024


Chilling Beauty: Exploring Europe’s Bone Churches

From the ancient period through the 18th century, European Catholics and Orthodox Christians displayed and maintained bones of the deceased to honor...

Julia Bourbois 28 March 2024