

His Majesty Jan Van Eyck and the Optical Revolution – Review

Art history has its superstars: Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Gustav Klimt. But with the recent $2.4 million, multiyear restoration of panels...

Zuzanna Stańska 26 March 2020

Theater & Cinema

10 Best Movies Related to Art for Time Spent in Quarantine

This is clearly a difficult time for humanity. Coronavirus has been declared a pandemic and people are advised to stay at home and eliminate physical...

Errika Gerakiti 24 March 2020

The Best Art Videos for the Age of Quarantine

Right now pretty much everything throughout Europe and North America, including art museums, is closed due to quarantine. This means that art lovers...

Alexandra Kiely 23 March 2020

Michael Rakowitz: His Lost Heritage and Enemies

In March 2020 the Fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square in London, which since 1998 temporarily hosts sculptures and installations by contemporary...

Magda Michalska 23 March 2020

Art State of Mind

What to Do with Your Time when in Quarantine? Tips from Art!

Seriously, what should I do with my time if I’m in real quarantine and I cannot go out for two weeks? How to avoid going crazy without...

Magda Michalska 22 March 2020

WTF Art History

Lockdown Artsy Entertainment Toolkit

Initially the idea of a lock-down and extended opportunity to work from home may look a tiny bit appealing. No more commuting, no more dressing up...

Joanna Kaszubowska 21 March 2020

Art State of Mind

The Best of the Best Museums to Visit Virtually on Lockdown (Constantly Updated)

So, we have a pandemic. The world is locked down. The museums are closed. While we should all be staying home, we have prepared a list of the best of...

Zuzanna Stańska 20 March 2020


Once Upon a Time in Moscow: Pertsov’s House, a Russian Terem Amidst Modern Buildings

This building from the art-nouveau era is a sight for sore eyes! Pertsov’s house is an interesting example of Russian classical folk influences...

Elizaveta Ermakova 20 March 2020

Museum Stories

Cézanne: The Rock and Quarry Paintings at Princeton University

Cézanne: The Rock and Quarry Paintings is a new exhibition at the Princeton University Art Museum. Paul Cézanne (1839-1906) is a familiar artist to...

Alexandra Kiely 19 March 2020

Museum Stories

Whitechapel’s Radical Figures and the Famous Paintings that Inspired Them

In Whitechapel Gallery’s Radical Figures: Painting in the New Millennium, ten of today’s key figurative painters use historical art...

Yasmin Ozkan 18 March 2020

Art State of Mind

Art Guide to Quarantine by DailyArt

So, you’re bored in quarantine, or maybe they closed your favorite museum. The COVID-19 outbreak has us all wondering what to do. If just like us you turn to art in anxious times, you might use this guideline to fill your time with a bit of beauty.

Marta Wiktoria Bryll 17 March 2020

Museum Stories

Masculinities: Liberation through Photography – Barbican, London

Given that March is the Women’s History Month you may find this a bit subversive, but in the interest of equality we visited Barbican’s...

Joanna Kaszubowska 17 March 2020