

The Mysterious Master of Rococo: Watteau

Who was Watteau, one of the most prominent Rococo painters? Not much is known about his life, which makes it and his art all the more mysterious. Are...

Magda Michalska 10 October 2022

Love Story

Paint Me Like One of Your French Girls: The Life and Business of Agostina Segatori

Agostina Segatori’s face is most widely recognized in the works of famous artists between 1860 and 1887. Her Italian features inspired many...

Yasmin Ozkan 10 October 2022

Museum Stories

The Best Museum Instagram Accounts

We all love to scroll through Instagram for an aesthetically pleasing distraction from the real world. Museums arguably provide some of the most...

Nina Relf 6 October 2022

roberto burle marx copacabana promenade Architecture

Roberto Burle Marx: The Artist of Landscape Design

When you think about Modernist architecture, probably Le Corbusier, Mies van der Rohe, or Oscar Niemeyer come to mind. But have you paid attention to...

Natalia Tiberio 3 October 2022

Santiago Calatrava Architecture

Sense or Sensibility – Bridges of Santiago Calatrava

The announcement to replace the slippery glass panels on Ponte della Constituzione bridge in Venice, designed by Santiago Calatrava, made me realize...

Joanna Kaszubowska 3 October 2022

Medieval Art

The Wonder and Glory of Medieval Portable Shrines

For devoted Christians, a portable shrine provided an immediate and intimate way to connect to a higher power within a monastic space or the privacy...

Marga Patterson 3 October 2022

Pop Up, Andy Warhol, Campbells Cans Andy Swimming, Silver Factory, Poposition Press, 2022 Pop art

Andy Warhol: Pop Up Pop Art

A review of 'Silver Factory', first of a new series of pop up books from Poposition Press, celebrating artist Andy Warhol. Plus a whistle-stop tour of pop up history.

Candy Bedworth 29 September 2022

Ancient Art

Shocking Chroma: Ancient Sculpture in Color at the Met

Have you ever wondered how the Greco-Roman statues looked during antiquity? Thanks to the Met and its amazing team, you can now get a glimpse of the...

Erol Degirmenci 29 September 2022

Women Artists

Meet Catharina van Hemessen: The Female Renaissance Artist You Haven’t Heard About

Do you know which artist created the very first self-portrait depicting themselves at work? Let me introduce you to Catharina van Hemessen. She was...

Anna Ingram 28 September 2022

Women Artists

Everything You Need to Know About Plautilla Nelli

Sister Plautilla was a Florentine nun and artist who lived in the 16th-century Italy. After centuries of neglect, her work is finally being...

Vithória Konzen Dill 28 September 2022

Museum Stories

Alma Thomas. The Tale of an Extraordinary Life at Columbus Museum

This year, the Columbus Museum in Columbus, GA, USA, presented two major retrospectives. They shed light on Alma Thomas’ exceptional life and...

Carlotta Mazzoli 27 September 2022

North American Art

Henry Ossawa Tanner, An African-American Artistic Pioneer

Henry Ossawa Tanner (1859–1937), the first African-American artist who became internationally successful, was known for his beautiful religious...

Alexandra Kiely 27 September 2022