
Sakura and hanami: Katsushika Hokusai, Fuji from Gotenyama at Shinagawa on the Asian Art

Sakura and Hanami: The Art of Impermanence

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow said, “Art is long, and time is fleeting.” This sentiment perfectly expresses the idea of hanami, or flower viewing.

Ledys Chemin 10 May 2024


When in Mexico: Mysterious and Beautiful Flower Crowned Nun Portraits

Gambol into the lobby of most Mexican hotels, or visit any antique store in Mexico, and you’re bound to find a portrait of an 18th or 19th-century...

Guest Profile 10 May 2024

Art Travels

Around the World in Spring Through Paintings

Spring has inspired artists from all over the world for generations. The melting away of the cold winter and burgeoning of new life in every corner...

Maya M. Tola 10 May 2024

Art State of Mind

Crowning the May Queen in Art

The May Queen is the personification of springtime. Crowned with fresh flowers, she leads her people to the Maypole for fun and frolicking. A maiden...

Candy Bedworth 10 May 2024


Do Good. Buy Art. Here’s How.

Written by New York cultural economist Magnus Resch, How to Collect Art (Phaidon Press, January 2024) tells the story of the art market as a place in...

Helen Jeffery 9 May 2024

Lady and the Unicorn tapestries: Taste from The Lady and the Unicorn Tapestries Art History 101

8 Famous Tapestries from Art History Everyone Should Know

Since ancient times, tapestries have been a form of art admired by patrons. But it was during the medieval and Renaissance periods, that tapestries...

Anna Ingram 9 May 2024


Mothers Who Became Muses: Portraits of Artists’ Mothers

Every great person has a prominent woman standing behind them, and that is true as every remarkable person was a child once. The woman standing...

Valeria Kumekina 9 May 2024


About Face: Stonewall, Revolt, and New Queer Art

About Face: Stonewall, Revolt, and New Queer Art was initially an exhibition that marked the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots. Previously on...

Ania Kaczynska 9 May 2024


All the Beauty in the World: An Insider’s Look Into The Metropolitan Museum

All the Beauty in the World: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Me is a portrait, a memoir, almost a poem, written by Patrick Bringley about the ten...

Ledys Chemin 9 May 2024


Nothing Ever Just Disappears: A Queer Sense of Place

How does the place where art was created impact the work itself? And, in turn, can art influence how we view those very places? Diarmuid Hester...

Jenna Burns 9 May 2024


The Other Side: Women, Art And Spirituality

The Other Side: A Story of Women in Art and the Spirit World is a deep-dive into the world of extraordinary artists translating feeling into form,...

Candy Bedworth 9 May 2024

Sickness in art: Carmen Lomas Garza, La Curandera, 1989, The Mexican Museum, San Francisco, ©Carmen Lomas Garza - The Art of Being Sick Art State of Mind

The Art of Being Sick

As much as we wish otherwise, we all get sick sometimes. And though the pandemic seems to be in the past we still have to be cautious and thoughtful.

Joanna Kaszubowska 8 May 2024