Jenna Burns


Jenna has a lifelong love of stories, in all their forms. She is fascinated by the many ways art can be used to convey all kinds of tales—from folklore, myths and legends, to historical events and everyday life.

Articles by Jenna

Ancient Greece

Mythological Heroes in Art: Triumph & Tragedy

Mythological heroes have been depicted in artworks countless times throughout history. We are constantly returning to their timeless tales in art and...

Jenna Burns 27 June 2024


Nothing Ever Just Disappears: A Queer Sense of Place

How does the place where art was created impact the work itself? And, in turn, can art influence how we view those very places? Diarmuid Hester...

Jenna Burns 9 May 2024


Book Review: The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession

In his collection of short stories The Vanitas & Other Tales of Art and Obsession, debut author Jake Kendall revisits various iconic eras of art...

Jenna Burns 26 February 2024

A Victorian Christmas card featuring a robin in a top hat and a robin in a bonnet. The text reads: ‘Happy returns. Christmas comes but once a year.’ History

Victorian Christmas Cards: Strange or Timeless?

It’s thanks to the Victorians that the tradition of sending Christmas cards exists. The very first commercial Christmas card was sent in 1843, and...

Jenna Burns 7 February 2024

Screencap from Doctor Who episode. From left hand side of image: Vincent van Gogh’s The Church at Auvers is on the wall, side on to the viewer. The church windows are at eye level. The Doctor studies the painting intently. Companion Amy looks to the Doctor with a troubled expression. Theater & Cinema

Art in Doctor Who: A Journey Through Time

The year 2023 marked the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who, a British sci-fi show about a runaway alien Time Lord that’s now beloved worldwide. Fans...

Jenna Burns 25 January 2024


Divine Inspiration: Angels in Art

Angels have been a source of artistic inspiration throughout history. Whether adorned with wings and halos or not, the varied appearances of angels...

Jenna Burns 26 December 2023