Art Forms

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Ruins of the Château de Pierrefonds by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot

Soon after Château de Pierrefonds was displayed, Emperor Napoleon III restored the actual Château de Pierrefonds in the 1850s under the direction...

James W Singer 11 September 2023

Art State of Mind

The Allure of Ruins – Architectural Decay in Art

There is a haunting beauty in architectural ruins. War or the passage of time has ravaged the magnificent feats of earlier civilizations. But in...

Maya M. Tola 11 September 2023

Artist Stories

The Mysterious Pinturas Negras Reveal Goya’s Darkest Secrets

There are already several articles that treat in detail the life and works of Francisco Goya. If you want to learn about his career or most famous...

Magda Michalska 10 September 2023


Madame de Pompadour: The Queen of Arts in Portraits

Elvis Presley’s famous hairstyle was named after her, a French champagne glass is believed to have been modeled after her breast and, according to...

Magda Michalska 9 September 2023

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: David by Michelangelo

The biblical figure of David, the young shepherd who defeated Goliath, was a popular subject for sculptors during the Renaissance. However, no...

Vithória Konzen Dill 8 September 2023


David and Goliath Painting Re-Attributed to Artemisia Gentileschi

Baroque master Artemisia Gentileschi’s long-hidden signature has been discovered in a 17th-century David and Goliath painting. The work was...

Alexandra Kiely 8 September 2023

WTF Art History

So Bad That It’s Good: 5 Worst Art Restorations

Artworks are a legacy of humanity and as such, they must be well preserved – and they usually are, thanks to museums and cultural institutions.

Rute Ferreira 7 September 2023

Art State of Mind

True Tips for a Happier Life from the Miniatures of Reza Abbasi

Everyone wants to be happy and each of us has a different idea of happiness. For some, it is finishing college and getting a new job. For others, it...

Rute Ferreira 7 September 2023

Asian Art

Miniature Paintings of the Mughal Empire

The Mughals descended from a lineage of formidable conquerors such as Genghis Khan and Amir Timur. They were themselves the most dominant force in...

Maya M. Tola 7 September 2023

Asian Art

The Tiny Big World of Kamal al-din Bihzad – A Persian Miniature Painter

Here we want to present you with the story of Kamal al-din Bihzad, a renowned Persian miniature painter and head of the royal ateliers in Herat and...

Magda Michalska 7 September 2023


Learn History of Design with 1000 Design Classics

If you’re a design connoisseur (or an average enthusiast of aesthetically pleasing items), there is a huge chance you’ve heard of the...

Ania Kaczynska 6 September 2023


Best Seascapes in Art History

The sea has a mind of its own. Whether it is stormy or calm, a man knows that it is to be respected. In art, the seascape, as it is called, is a...

Anastasia Manioudaki 5 September 2023