Contemporary Art Made in China
Chinese art is booming. The country has been experiencing a major economic uplift for more than a decade and you can feel that in the art world too.
Michel Rutten 20 April 2023
Chinese art is booming. The country has been experiencing a major economic uplift for more than a decade and you can feel that in the art world too.
Michel Rutten 20 April 2023
What happens to artworks and cultural treasures as a nation prepares for war? In the case of Jan van Huysum’s Vase of Flowers, the Dutch still...
Natalia Iacobelli 17 April 2023
Read the story of Anna Bilińska, a Polish painter who spent her life in Paris. Discover her moving portraits and the fascinating story of her...
Magda Michalska 12 April 2023
Francesco Borromini (1599-1667) was the most innovative and imaginative architect of the Italian Baroque tradition. Along with his contemporaries...
Alexandra Kiely 10 April 2023
Representing splendor, opulence, and brilliance, Rococo art prevailed in Europe from the year 1700. It followed the Baroque period in art, which...
Merve Parla 10 April 2023
New York-based artist Will Cotton is widely known for his distinctive iconography and style. Even those uninterested in art will recognize his candy...
Yasmin Ozkan 9 April 2023
Many edifices, shrines, dagobas, and colossal figures attest to the glory of Polonnaruwa, the second (and strikingly beautiful) capital of ancient...
Elsa Vallarino 6 April 2023
To celebrate the Christian festival of Easter, here is the story of Holy Week and Easter explained in paintings. Palm Sunday Stained glass...
Isla Phillips-Ewen 6 April 2023
Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino, in English known as Raphael, is famous for the harmony and clarity of form within his visually brilliant paintings. He...
Candy Bedworth 6 April 2023
Every once in a while, an accident involving an artwork happens. Usually, it is the artwork that ends up damaged, but sometimes it is the audience...
Joanna Kaszubowska 3 April 2023
José Ferraz de Almeida Júnior (1850–1899) was a popular Brazilian artist from the late 19th century. His commendable paintings paved the...
Maya M. Tola 30 March 2023
Have you ever wondered who knows the best of a museum’s collection? Probably the people who spend most of their lives between these artworks: the...
Kate Wojtczak 30 March 2023