
European Art

Paul Gauguin in 10 Paintings

Paul Gauguin is a revolutionary and savage in the art of the late 19th century, an artist rejected by society. A man who quit his job at the stock...

Valeria Kumekina 27 November 2023

European Art

10 Early Picasso Works You Should Know

Pablo Picasso painted his first works during the early years of his life. According to his mother, his first words were “piz, piz”, a shortening...

Zuzanna Stańska 25 November 2023

Pablo Picasso's Young Ladies of Avignon. The painting depicts five naked women on a flat surface. Painting

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Picasso’s Les Demoiselles d’Avignon

The year 2023 marks the 50th anniversary of the death of Spanish artist Pablo Picasso. Picasso Celebration 1973-2023, a large-scale transnational...

Ela Bobek 25 November 2023

Vilho Lampi, Nocturne, 1930, oil on plywood, Finnish National Gallery, Helsinki, Finland. Detail. Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Nocturne by Vilho Lampi

Vilho Lampi’s Nocturne is a masterpiece of Finnish Expressionism that explores the complex relationship between the artist and his...

James W Singer 23 November 2023

Women Artists

Pegeen Vail Guggenheim – A Never Understood Daughter

You must have heard of the family Guggenheim, wealthy merchants who became the prominent art collectors and patrons of modern art. You probably know...

Magda Michalska 22 November 2023

Abstract Expressionism

Lucio Fontana and the Venice You Have Never Known

Even if you haven’t been to Venice, you must be quite familiar with it from millions of picturesque (or picturesque-ish) photos flooding...

Magda Michalska 20 November 2023

Kiyohara Tama:Japanese Landscape, c. 1880, Gallery of Modern Art, Palermo, Italy. Women Artists

Kiyohara Tama or Eleonora Ragusa: An Amazing Story About a Japanese Female Painter in Sicily

When tracing Japanese art stories in Europe, we found out about this exquisite female painter. Kiyohara Tama or Otama (later known as Eleonora...

Magda Michalska 18 November 2023

Artists Travel Destinations Art Travels

Artists’ Beloved Travel Destinations as Seen Through Their Art

Do you miss the summer months and traveling?  Some of us want to experience the beaches; others, mountains or even the desert climate. While they...

Rachel Witte 17 November 2023


Salvador Dalí and His Burning Giraffes

The Burning Giraffe is one of Salvador Dalí’s most famous paintings but the motif did not appear only in this one work. Today we will show you all...

Zuzanna Stańska 16 November 2023

Art History 101

All About Cuban Modernism in Five Artworks

Let's find out how Cuban Modernism happened!

Natalia Tiberio 15 November 2023

Women Artists

A House of Their Own: The Red Rose Girls

In an old house in Philadelphia at the turn of the twentieth century, four women made their home and their art together. Three decades before...

Guest Profile 13 November 2023

The Jugglar. The Magician. Remedios Varo. Review

Last Chance to See: Remedios Varo Captures the Intangible at the Art Institute of Chicago

Embroidering the Earth, entrapping the moon in a cage, juggling stars—these are the elements of the fantastic and beguiling world of Remedios Varo.

Natalia Iacobelli 10 November 2023