
Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Sea Watchers by Edward Hopper

The time has come for young children to trade in play clothes for school clothes, tugging parents along in the quest for a routine. Meanwhile, all...

Abreeza Thomas 2 June 2024


QUIZ: What Is Missing from These Paintings? Part 2

Szymon Jocek 1 June 2024


QUIZ Hats in Art – Whose Hat Is That?

Sandra Juszczyk 1 June 2024


QUIZ: Where Are These Masterpieces?

Celia Leiva Otto 1 June 2024

Art State of Mind

Which Painting Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

What is your zodiac sign? Western astrology is closely related to ancient Greek and Roman mythology and culture. Over time, each astrological star...

Ruxi Rusu 31 May 2024

Georges de La Tour, The Fortune Teller Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Fortune Teller by Georges de La Tour

The Fortune Teller is one of Georges de La Tour’s early masterpieces. The Baroque oil painting, once questioned by the Louvre Museum for its...

Anna Ingram 31 May 2024

Queen of Art Deco Women Artists

Discover Slavic Art Deco – The Story of Zofia Stryjeńska

Zofia Stryjeńska was a prominent Polish artist active during the interwar period. Known as the “Lady of Polish Art,” she gained...

Katarzyna Waszak 30 May 2024


Peter Paul Rubens in 10 Paintings

A Baroque master and portraitist of the royals, Peter Paul Rubens is probably best known for his often drama-filled religious and mythological...

Anna Ingram 30 May 2024


Peter Paul Rubens: Sensuous Gods and Dramatic Saints

Peter Paul Rubens is synonymous with Flemish Baroque. His dynamic yet sensuous style made him the most popular artist of his time, running a large...

Anastasia Manioudaki 30 May 2024

Artist Stories

Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun Travels Across Europe

Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun was a French portrait painter working in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. While her subject matter and color palette...

Natalia Iacobelli 28 May 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Self-Portrait in a Straw Hat by Élisabeth Louise Vigée Le Brun

Why is art history predominantly focused on male artists? Are there not enough female artists to fill textbooks? Of course, there are enough, but the...

James W Singer 28 May 2024

Women Artists

Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun and Amazing Women in Her Portraits

Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun and women in her portraits should be a reference for every art-lover. The French painter – also known as Madame Le Brun...

Pola Otterstein 28 May 2024