
Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Young Woman Peeling Apples by Nicolaes Maes

Today’s Masterpiece Story is about this lovely genre painting by Nicolaes Maes (1634-1693), a Dutch Golden Age painter who specialized in...

Alexandra Kiely 28 December 2022

European Art

Boxing Day with St. Stephen

According to the Catholic calendar, the second day of Christmas commemorates St. Stephen. He was a young deacon in the community of Jerusalem who...

Magda Michalska 26 December 2022

Art State of Mind

Christmas Cards from Hell

As the postman brings you cheery season’s greetings from your nearest and dearest, let me guess what the images are on the front of your Christmas...

Candy Bedworth 25 December 2022

winter landscape paintings Camille Pissarro, The Louvre Under Snow, 1902, The National Gallery, London, UK. Painting

Baby, It’s Cold Outside: Snowy Landscape Paintings to Enjoy

Snow. You either love it or hate it. Are you able to picture a fresh snowfall in your mind? Or is it falling outside your window as you read this...

Rachel Witte 23 December 2022

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Snowy Landscape (Deep Winter) by Cuno Amiet

These are the shortest days of the year in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s dark and cold outside, but there are two things that brighten the night...

Kate Wojtczak 23 December 2022


Most Famous Winter in Art History: Hunters in the Snow by Pieter Bruegel

In the Bruegel Room in Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, 12 paintings hang in the space. They cover the final ten year period of the life of Pieter...

Wendy Gray 21 December 2022


Snowy Siberian Winter in Konstantin Korovin’s Eyes

If one thinks of winter in Siberia, one usually imagines loads of snow, fur hats, and hip flasks filled with some warming drink. What was winter like...

Magda Michalska 21 December 2022


Paintings for Hanukkah

December is not just about Christmas, it is also about the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. It is an eight-day, wintertime “festival of lights” which...

Magda Michalska 19 December 2022


Odilon Redon’s World of Darkness

The Balloon-Eye, The Crying Spider, The Cactus Man, The Cyclops… This is not a list of creatures from some horror movie. These are paintings...

Zuzanna Stańska 17 December 2022

Art History 101

Les Nabis 101

“Nabis” in Hebrew means “prophets.” In the Fall of 1888, a group of students at the Parisian Académie Julian disappointed with the strict...

Magda Michalska 17 December 2022

Marlene Dumas, Betrayal, 1994, private collection, courtesy of David Zwirner, New York. Installation view, Marlene Dumas. open-end at Palazzo Grassi, 2022. Photo by Marco Cappelletti con Filippo Rossi © Palazzo Grassi © Marlene Dumas. Women Artists

The Sublimity of Marlene Dumas’ Portraits in Venice

On view until January 8, 2023, the exhibition Open-End, curated by Caroline Bourgeois for Palazzo Grassi in Venice, is a kaleidoscope of faces and...

Carlotta Mazzoli 15 December 2022


Joan Miró: A Major Retrospective at BAM in Mons

In Belgium, a major retrospective of Joan Miró is being held for the first time since 1956. It runs from October 8th, 2022 to January 8th, 2023 at...

Tommy Thiange 12 December 2022