
Women Artists

Story within a Story in Paula Rego’s World

Paula Rego was probably the most important figure in the narrative British painting. She drew her inspiration from fairytales, myths, animations and...

Magda Michalska 26 January 2024

Women Artists

Paula Rego and Other Strong Women

Paula Rego (1935-2022) was a Portuguese-British visual artist considered one of the pre-eminent woman artists of the late 20th and early 21st...

Magda Michalska 26 January 2024

Ian Francis, Petrified Archway, 2015, mixed media on canvas. Artist's website. Contemporary Art

The Violent, Abstract Art of Ian Francis

Ian Francis’ art career started with disillusionment. He weathered the selective art world of the late 1990s, carrying on with works that...

Errika Gerakiti 25 January 2024

Art State of Mind

School and Learning in the Eyes of Artists

A lot has changed since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020: not just the way we approach our health and safety, but also the way children...

Europeana 24 January 2024

manet monet quiz Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: The Luncheon on the Grass by Édouard Manet

Édouard Manet’s The Luncheon on the Grass (Le Déjeuner sur l’Herbe) (1863) was one of the first works that broke away from established...

Catriona Miller 23 January 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi by Angelica Kauffman

Cornelia, Mother of the Gracchi by Angelica Kauffman shows a pretty Roman woman and her three children. But it’s much more than that. It has an...

Alexandra Kiely 21 January 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: The Roses of Heliogabalus by Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema

Lust, Gluttony, and Sloth. Three of the Seven Deadly Sins are depicted in Sir Lawrence Alma-Tadema’s The Roses of Heliogabalus. Many other sins are...

James W Singer 21 January 2024


The Best of Dutch Still Life: 6 Famous Painters

In the art world, it is commonly agreed upon that still life painting as a genre rose in the Netherlands in the last quarter of the 16th century. The...

Irina Diana Calu 20 January 2024

quiz women artists Georgia O'Keefe, 1939, private collection. Detail. Museum Stories

Georgia O’Keeffe in Hawaii – Voyage for Pineapples and Artistic Freedom

Georgia O’Keeffe traveled to Hawaii for three months in 1939, leaving on January and returning in April. She was not on vacation, even though she...

Howard Schwartz 18 January 2024

Art State of Mind

Taking the Perfect Selfie: Tips from Best Self-Portraits in Art History

To pout or not to pout… that is the question.  From smolders to smiles, duck faces to dog ears, in the age of front-facing phone cameras there...

Tony Heathfield 17 January 2024


8 Best Artists’ Selfies in Art History

Whoever criticizes the fashion of selfies, must have forgotten that selfies have existed for a long time in painting. Here comes a curious and less...

Magda Michalska 17 January 2024

Women Artists

5 Self-Portraits by Women Artists That You Probably Haven’t Seen (And You Should)

When thinking of a self-portrait, the famous names and artworks of Dürer, Rembrandt, or Van Gogh probably come to mind. Here is your chance to...

Europeana 17 January 2024