Gokce Dyson


Based in Canterbury, Gokce holds a bachelor's degree in History and Archaeological Studies and a master's degree in Museum and Gallery Studies. She firmly believes that art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. If Gokce is not tucked into a cosy corner with a medieval history book, she can be found spending her evenings doing jigsaw puzzles.

Articles by Gokce

European Art

Escape to the Forest: The Birth of Barbizon School

During the 19th century, the most promising artists trained at the Royal Academy of Painting and Sculpture in Paris. The Academy taught its pupils...

Gokce Dyson 21 June 2024

Women Artists

Elisabetta Sirani: Pioneer, Teacher and Artist

Elisabetta Sirani (1638-1665) was born in Bologna, a progressive city with a liberal attitude towards educating women. She was a pioneering female...

Gokce Dyson 22 March 2024

Women Artists

Four Female Court Painters You Did Not Know

Throughout history, art has always played an important role in royal propaganda across Europe. Royal families were in a race to employ the best...

Gokce Dyson 6 November 2023

Women Artists

Alice Neel: The Story of Defying Convention

Today, Alice Neel is considered one of the greatest portrait painters of the 20th century. As she usually painted her friends, family, neighbors, and...

Gokce Dyson 13 August 2023


Fanny Brate: An Everyday Painter You Need to Know

Fanny Brate was born in Stockholm in 1861. Showing great potential from a young age, she started taking drawing and painting classes when she was...

Gokce Dyson 10 March 2023


August Macke: Short and Colorful Life of a Promising Artist

August Macke was only 27 years old when he died in Champagne, France, on September 26, 1914. He was one of the many who fell fighting for their...

Gokce Dyson 3 January 2023

Art Travels

The Grand Tour: Everything You Need to Know

Nowadays, it is very common to take a gap year before or after university studies to travel and expand your horizons. Dedicating a year or two before...

Gokce Dyson 28 November 2022

Art State of Mind

Reading in Art: Six Paintings to See on World Book Day

Books have been an indispensable part of our daily lives since ancient times. From scrolls to kindles, the way we read may have evolved, however the...

Gokce Dyson 23 April 2021

Museum Stories

London Mall Galleries: An Interview on Covid-19 and Reopening

The evening of the 4th January united the residents of the UK once again. Everyone’s attention was focused on the third national lockdown...

Gokce Dyson 19 April 2021


The Great Vision of Nature: Constable and McTaggart

During his lifetime, captivated by the beauty of nature, John Constable’s landscapes received mixed reviews. He thought he was never going to have...

Gokce Dyson 16 March 2021