2019: Year of the Pig and Pigs in Painting
According to the Chinese zodiac, 2019 is the year closing the twelve-year lunar calendar cycle. It’s named after the Pig because according to...
Magda Michalska 4 January 2019
According to the Chinese zodiac, 2019 is the year closing the twelve-year lunar calendar cycle. It’s named after the Pig because according to...
Magda Michalska 4 January 2019
Picasso Metamorphosis curated by Pascale Picard (director of the civic museum of Avignon), opened the autumn season in Palazzo Reale in Milan. The...
Maria Frazzoni 2 January 2019
The nearer 2019 is, the more I think about new things I would like to do in the incoming year. And I’m not even talking about resolutions or...
Magda Michalska 1 January 2019
Because it’s the New Year’s Eve tomorrow and many of you are going to have fun I’ve chosen for our painting of the week a work...
Kate Wojtczak 30 December 2018
“she broke the rules of time, fragmenting and aligning it, to sew the fundamental phases of her subjects’ transformation: she brought...
Artur Deus Dionisio 29 December 2018
Past Christmases we showed you Nativity scenes, wintery landscapes, or even Andy Warhol’s Christmas trees. This year I want to show you...
Magda Michalska 25 December 2018
For an art-viewing experience unlike any other, enjoy the paintings of Florine Stettheimer (1871-1944). The daughter of a wealthy German-Jewish...
Alexandra Kiely 21 December 2018
Tate Britain’s exhibition of over 150 works of Edward Burne-Jones brings us an exhaustive overview of his oeuvre. Like other Pre-Raphaelites...
Joanna Kaszubowska 14 December 2018
Ever heard of Olive Hockin? No? Me neither. While browsing pages for my next post about Theosophy, I came across this mysterious artist I had never...
Magda Michalska 11 December 2018
With this exhibition, the National Gallery in London aims to explore the artistic relationship between Andrea Mantegna and Giovanni Bellini. The...
Joanna Kaszubowska 10 December 2018
Authenticity and originality are invaluable aspects of any work of art. But across pages of art history, we can find artworks and masterpieces with...
Maria Frazzoni 4 December 2018
Minimalism: Space. Light. Object. is a new exhibition which showcases Minimalist art from its beginnings in the 1950s up to the 21st century. For the...
Noa Weisberg 3 December 2018