European Art

European Art

Viennese Actionism: Between the Bestial and the Sublime

Naked bodies, violence, and destructive art. The term Viennese Actionism refers to a radical and explicit form of performance art that developed in...

Caroline Galambosova 20 May 2024


Joséphine de Beauharnais: Patron of the Arts

Joséphine de Beauharnais was born in Martinique as Marie Josèphe Rose Tascher de La Pagerie. She evolved into the sophisticated and cultured...

Maya M. Tola 20 May 2024

Piet Mondrian's Composition: Piet Mondrian, Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow, 1930, Kunsthaus Zürich, Switzerland. Detail. Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow by Piet Mondrian

Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow is a golden example of Abstraction, De Stijl, and Constructivism. It purges the art of individual subjects by...

James W Singer 19 May 2024

Contemporary Art

Masterpiece Story: My Bed by Tracey Emin

My Bed is an iconic and seminal artwork by British artist Tracey Emin. It was created over 20 years ago and despite its age, it is still one of...

Isla Phillips-Ewen 19 May 2024


Slava Raškaj, The Story of a Deaf Impressionist Watercolorist

In the final years of the 19th century, the art scene in Zagreb, Croatia, was pretty vibrant. The various ideas that circulated among artists...

Lana Pajdas 17 May 2024


Middle Earth and Beyond in Art: Tolkien’s Illustrations

J.R.R. Tolkien’s written works have influenced many around the globe. However, perhaps less known than his books are his illustrations that he...

Rachel Witte 17 May 2024


Book Review: The Fabergé Girl by Ina Christova

The Fabergé Girl, written by Ina Christova, takes you on a beautiful journey into early 20th century Saint Petersburg to explore side-by-side the...

Joanna Kaszubowska 16 May 2024

Nike of Samothrace, ca 200-175 BCE, Parian and Lartian marble, Paleopoli, Samothrace, Greece, Musée du Louvre, Paris, France. Detail. Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Nike of Samothrace

Nike of Samothrace is the masterpiece of an unknown Hellenistic artist. While the artist’s story may be unknown, the statue’s story is as complex...

James W Singer 16 May 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Laocoön and His Sons

Laocoön and His Sons was one of the most influential sculptures during the Renaissance. The contorted bodies of the figures, their faces full of...

Anastasia Manioudaki 16 May 2024

Ancient Art

How to Show Up in a Gym – 3 Ancient Sculptures of Hercules

In Greek mythology, Herakles was a demigod and a much admired heroic figure. The Romans called him Hercules (Herakles was his Greek name) and he was...

Ameera Patel 16 May 2024

Women Artists

How to Take Care of Your Hair: 5 Tips Inspired by Zinaida Serebriakova

What do you think about reading five beauty tips for your haircare today? Calm down, you’re still at DailyArt Magazine… Our beauty tips are...

Rute Ferreira 15 May 2024

Art History 101

Disruptive Because Pretty: Art Guide To Aestheticism

Are you looking for inspiration on how to furnish your home, how to dress, what to read, and where to go to make your life more aesthetic? Look no...

Magda Michalska 15 May 2024