
Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Whistler’s Mother by James McNeill Whistler

Whistler’s 1871 painting Arrangement in Grey and Black No 1 might not sound familiar. As Whistler’s Mother, on the other hand, it has entered...

Catriona Miller 12 May 2024


When in Mexico: Mysterious and Beautiful Flower Crowned Nun Portraits

Gambol into the lobby of most Mexican hotels, or visit any antique store in Mexico, and you’re bound to find a portrait of an 18th or 19th-century...

Guest Profile 10 May 2024


Mothers Who Became Muses: Portraits of Artists’ Mothers

Every great person has a prominent woman standing behind them, and that is true as every remarkable person was a child once. The woman standing...

Valeria Kumekina 9 May 2024


Mona Lisa’s Illnesses

Everyone has heard about the Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece at the Louvre in Paris. But you have probably never heard about… her...

Camilla de Laurentis 8 May 2024


10 Best Portraits by Édouard Manet

Édouard Manet is known as one of the most controversial artists of his time. Highly criticized for his realism and for depicting modern life scenes...

Zuzanna Stańska 7 May 2024


Fashion Icons in Art

Art and fashion are often intertwined, and isn’t fashion a form of art after all? Not only can visual arts represent the fashion icons that marked...

Vithória Konzen Dill 6 May 2024

Hans Holbein the Younger, Portrait of Henry VIII of England, ca. 1537, Museo Nacional Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, Spain.  History

Royal Portraits: The Art of Image

Shakespeare once wrote, “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” For monarchs...

Abreeza Thomas 6 May 2024


Who Are the Women in Leonardo da Vinci’s Paintings?

The life and work of Leonardo da Vinci have been dissected and analyzed in detail by the sharp eye of art critics and historians. Yet, the biography...

Maria Frazzoni 30 April 2024

Anna Claypoole Peale Women Artists

Female Artists of the Peale Family, America’s First Art Dynasty

The Peale family was America’s first artistic dynasty. Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827) was a prominent American artist and early museum...

Alexandra Kiely 29 April 2024


Icelandic Artist Hallgrímur Helgason—Group Portrait of the Self

The Icelandic artist and author Hallgrímur Helgason is well known and loved worldwide. Now he is showing his latest paintings in Copenhagen. The...

Theresa Kohlbeck Jakobsen 29 April 2024

Contemporary Art

10 Portrait Paintings in Digital Times

Everyone wants to save and share great moments with friends. That’s why we take loads of pictures with our cameras and especially with our...

Michel Rutten 26 April 2024

European Art

The Most Painted Woman in the World Was Lesbian: Suzy Solidor

Born in 1900, Suzanne Louise Marie Marion, known as Suzy Solidor, was a French artist who sang and acted in movies, but over time she became most...

Pola Otterstein 24 April 2024