Camilla de Laurentis

Neurosurgery resident in Italy, who especially loves paintings and the relationship between Art and Medicine. Football addicted, lover of cats, mother of dragons (...that's not true, but I wish it was)

Articles by Camilla

anna ancher Vaccination: Anna Ancher, A Vaccination, 1899. Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: A Vaccination by Anna Ancher

Anna Ancher’s painting A Vaccination underlines the importance of vaccines for the community and how children are key elements in public health. It...

Camilla de Laurentis 23 July 2024


Van Gogh’s Marvelous Flower Paintings

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) was an incredibly prolific artist whose paintings are known all over the world. Besides self-portraits and landscapes,...

Camilla de Laurentis 13 June 2024

Art Travels

Online Art Travels: An Ultimate Banksy City Guide

Nowadays everyone knows Banksy. They actually only know his name and his art, since he still remains anonymous. Many wrote and write about him, his...

Camilla de Laurentis 3 June 2024


QUIZ: Guess the Catholic Saint

Camilla de Laurentis 25 May 2024


Mona Lisa’s Illnesses

Everyone has heard about the Mona Lisa, Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece at the Louvre in Paris. But you have probably never heard about… her...

Camilla de Laurentis 8 May 2024


Real Gray’s Anatomy – Medical Illustration from an Artistic Genre to a Profession

Since the beginning of human history, drawing and creating diagrams has been essential. They were the easiest and most useful form of communication...

Camilla de Laurentis 6 May 2024

Artist Stories

The Bugatti Brothers: A Story About Cars and Cows

Nowadays Bugatti is a legendary company in the field of automobile technology. However, few people know the history of the man behind the trademark,...

Camilla de Laurentis 25 April 2024


Visit Astonishing Halls of Maps and Globes

Cartography is the production of geographical maps and globes. It has evolved both as a science and as an art. This is why powerful people love...

Camilla de Laurentis 12 February 2024

William Blake, Death on a Pale Horse, ca. 1800, The Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge, UK. Art State of Mind

Not Just in Movies: The Apocalypse in Art

Recently, people worldwide have experienced a sense of being “in the midst of an apocalypse.” Why do individuals instinctively link this...

Camilla de Laurentis 22 January 2024

Art State of Mind

Synesthesia – The Surprising and Powerful Fusion of Senses in Art

Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which a perception from one sense evokes sensation in another one. In the art world, there are works that...

Camilla de Laurentis 22 January 2024