
Medieval Art

The Complicated Meaning and Mysterious Origin of The Cloisters Cross

The Cloisters Cross is a beautiful English Romanesque walrus ivory cross, likely dating to the middle of the 12th century. From the moment it...

Alexandra Kiely 19 January 2019


Memphis Is Not in Fact a City but a Design Group

Heard of Memphis? And I do not mean here the city in Tennessee or the ancient capital in Egypt, but an international group of designers and...

Magda Michalska 18 January 2019

Museum Stories

Epic Abstraction: An Enhanced Perspective

‘Epic Abstraction: Pollock to Herrera’ is an ongoing exhibition from the Metropolitan Museum of Art that opened on December 17, 2018. The...

Howard Schwartz 17 January 2019

Artist Stories

Wyndham Lewis’ Portraits

Wyndham Lewis was a man who had ambitions to be great in art and literature. As a writer, he was widely attacked because of his extreme social and...

Maria Frazzoni 15 January 2019

Masterpiece Stories

Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein, Goethe in the Roman Campagna

Last week the Städel Museum in Frankfurt posted on Instagram a painting from their collection with a funny quote: “Having a bad day? Always...

Kate Wojtczak 13 January 2019

Art State of Mind

Leaving Home as a Genre in Art: The Need to be on the Move

I don’t know if it is a millennial thing, similarly being in the same age group, or because now in 2019 we have access to everyone’s...

Rachel Witte 12 January 2019


Rape? What Rape? Artworks Everyone Should See

In October 2017, #MeToo movement was founded, with the hashtag spreading virally and women all over the world sharing their stories of experience of...

Magda Michalska 7 January 2019

2019: Year of the Pig and Pigs in Painting

According to the Chinese zodiac, 2019 is the year closing the twelve-year lunar calendar cycle. It’s named after the Pig because according to...

Magda Michalska 4 January 2019

Museum Stories

Picasso Metamorphosis at Palazzo Reale

Picasso Metamorphosis curated by Pascale Picard (director of the civic museum of Avignon), opened the autumn season in Palazzo Reale in Milan. The...

Maria Frazzoni 2 January 2019

Masterpiece Stories

Painting of the Week: Jacopo Tintoretto, Marriage at Cana

Because it’s the New Year’s Eve tomorrow and many of you are going to have fun I’ve chosen for our painting of the week a work...

Kate Wojtczak 30 December 2018

Art State of Mind

The Art of Metamorphosis

“she broke the rules of time, fragmenting and aligning it, to sew the fundamental phases of her subjects’ transformation: she  brought...

Artur Deus Dionisio 29 December 2018


Untitled & Unbridled: Tara Donovan’s Installations

Styrofoam cups, pencils, rubber bands and straws are not the kinds of materials usually associated with art installations, yet these mundane,...

Nadine Waldmann 22 December 2018