
Talk about the Passion – Exploring Art at Easter

Easter Holy Week and The Crucifixion The final days of Holy Week are traditionally associated with the trial and execution of Jesus, culminating in...

Jon Kelly 10 April 2020

Contemporary Art

David Hockney – iPad Images of Springtime from Quarantine

David Hockney is in lock-down in Normandy and spends most days in the garden, drawing the spring awakening on his iPad. In a series of letters...

Isla Phillips-Ewen 7 April 2020

Nur Jahan – the Light of the World

Mehr-un-Nissa was an influential woman of the Mughal era, well-known for her great beauty, unmatched intelligence, and volatile temper. As a...

Maya M. Tola 4 April 2020

Earthquakes and Art. The Story of the Zagreb Art Pavilion

On Sunday, March 22nd, early in the morning a 5.3 magnitude earthquake hit the Croatian capital. People lost their homes and their workplaces.

Marija Canjuga 2 April 2020

Art State of Mind

Virtual Art Repositories – Explore Endless Artworks from Quarantine

If you’ve in quarantine and have begun to feel the unpleasant effects of art withdrawal, virtual art repositories are here to help you. These...

Alexandra Kiely 30 March 2020

Nihal Chand and the Kishangarh School

Nihal Chand was an esteemed member of the royal atelier of Kishangarh in the 18th century, under the employ of Crown Prince Sawant Singh. While many...

Maya M. Tola 29 March 2020

Theater & Cinema

10 Best Movies Related to Art for Time Spent in Quarantine

This is clearly a difficult time for humanity. Coronavirus has been declared a pandemic and people are advised to stay at home and eliminate physical...

Errika Gerakiti 24 March 2020

The Churning of the Ocean of Milk

The churning of the ocean of milk is a momentous event in Hindu mythology that appears in the Bhagwat Purana, Vishnu Purana, and the Mahabharata. It...

Maya M. Tola 24 March 2020

The Best Art Videos for the Age of Quarantine

Right now pretty much everything throughout Europe and North America, including art museums, is closed due to quarantine. This means that art lovers...

Alexandra Kiely 23 March 2020

Michael Rakowitz: His Lost Heritage and Enemies

In March 2020 the Fourth plinth in Trafalgar Square in London, which since 1998 temporarily hosts sculptures and installations by contemporary...

Magda Michalska 23 March 2020

Art State of Mind

What to Do with Your Time when in Quarantine? Tips from Art!

Seriously, what should I do with my time if I’m in real quarantine and I cannot go out for two weeks? How to avoid going crazy without...

Magda Michalska 22 March 2020

WTF Art History

Lockdown Artsy Entertainment Toolkit

Initially the idea of a lock-down and extended opportunity to work from home may look a tiny bit appealing. No more commuting, no more dressing up...

Joanna Kaszubowska 21 March 2020