Frederic Edwin Church aurora borealis: Frederic Edwin Church, Aurora Borealis, 1865, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, DC, USA. Detail. Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Aurora Borealis by Frederic Edwin Church

Aurora Borealis is an American national treasure. It explores the relationship between the land, its viewer, and its destiny. It is a masterpiece of...

James W Singer 5 May 2024

Henry Ossawa Tanner, Sand Dunes at Sunset, Atlantic City, 1885, White House, Washington DC, USA. Detail. Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Sand Dunes at Sunset, Atlantic City by Henry Ossawa Tanner

Sand Dunes at Sunset, Atlantic City is a masterpiece of Black art and history. It was painted by Henry Ossawa Tanner during a time of incredible...

James W Singer 5 May 2024

Abstract painting. Abstract Expressionism

The Abstract Expressionism of Judith Godwin

Abstract Expressionist painter Judith Godwin (1930-2021) challenged the norms of a male-dominated art movement. She started under the tutelage of...

Nikolina Konjevod 2 May 2024


The Great Depression: An Unprecedented Time in Art History

In the late 1920s and early 1930s, the Great Depression wreaked havoc on the world, especially in the United States. In 1933,  Franklin D. Roosevelt...

Sam Malone 1 May 2024

Anna Claypoole Peale Women Artists

Female Artists of the Peale Family, America’s First Art Dynasty

The Peale family was America’s first artistic dynasty. Charles Willson Peale (1741-1827) was a prominent American artist and early museum...

Alexandra Kiely 29 April 2024


American Artist Who Loved Everything British: Edwin Austin Abbey’s Shakespeare Paintings

A painter and illustrator Edwin Austin Abbey was born in the US, but he loved all things British, particularly the works of William Shakespeare. He...

Alexandra Kiely 23 April 2024

Nona Faustine, ‘Dorothy Angola, Stay Free, In Land Of The Blacks’, Minetta Lane, Village, NYC, 2021, from White Shoes (MACK, 2021). Courtesy the artist and MACK. Review

In Their Shoes: Nona Faustine’s White Shoes Now at the Brooklyn Museum

White Shoes (2021) is a complete series of photographs presenting a decade-long project of Brooklyn-based artist Nona Faustine. This beautifully...

Jennifer S. Musawwir 22 April 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Summer Squall by Winslow Homer

The crashing waves roar with deafening thunder, and the foamy spray flies with a quickening speed. Great gusts of wind blow the waters over the rocks...

James W Singer 21 April 2024

Marisol Escobar Women Artists

Marisol Escobar: Silent Icon of Pop Art

Marisol Escobar was a Venezuelan-American sculptor whose enigmatic persona and distinctive large woodblock figures caused a sensation during the...

Natalia Iacobelli 18 April 2024

Women Artists

Marion Mahony Griffin: No Apology in the World of Men

The name Marion Mahony Griffin (1871–1961) may not ring any immediate bells for you, but she was responsible for creating the unique look and feel...

Joanna Kaszubowska 15 April 2024

Contemporary Art

Fabrics of Power and Sensation: An Introduction to Basil Kincaid

Basil Kincaid (b. 1986) is an American contemporary artist. His multimedia work showcases the potential of repurposed materials while reflecting on...

Iolanda Munck 8 April 2024


From Flash Gordon to Postmodernism: The Daring Designs of Helmut Jahn

In the world of architecture, there are those who follow established styles and norms, and then there are those who break the mold and blaze their...

Joanna Kaszubowska 8 April 2024