
Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Little Girl in a Blue Armchair by Mary Cassatt

Mary Stevenson Cassatt was an American painter and printmaker. She lived much of her adult life in France, where she became friends with Edgar Degas...

Zuzanna Stańska 2 July 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Self-Portrait with Her Daughter by Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun

Self-Portrait with Her Daughter, Julie by Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun is a portrait masterpiece blending fashionable elegance and emotional naturalism.

James W Singer 30 June 2024

Alice Neel Georgie Arce Women Artists

Alice Neel: Collector of Souls

In 1950s America Alice Neel painted portraits of one of her neighbours, Georgie Arce, from childhood to adolescence.

Candy Bedworth 14 March 2024

Masterpiece Stories

The Story of Girl at Mirror by Norman Rockwell

Do you know the Snow White fairytale? Girl at Mirror by Norman Rockwell would certainly be a contestant to Snow White’s wicked stepmother as she...

Rute Ferreira 3 February 2024

Art State of Mind

School and Learning in the Eyes of Artists

A lot has changed since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020: not just the way we approach our health and safety, but also the way children...

Europeana 24 January 2024

Artist Stories

Photos of Famous Artists When They Were Kids

Sometimes it is hard to remember that famous artists were also children once, just like all of us. We have selected six of them so you see how cute...

Dévra Taboada 22 January 2024

Art State of Mind

Artistic Families: Does Having an Artist Parent Seal Your Fate?

Imagine growing up with an artist mother or father. Watching them create art or making work together could spark your artistic passion. And,...

Marga Patterson 22 January 2024

Art State of Mind

Bringing Up Baby – The Art of Parenting Through the Ages

Childcare can take so many forms. Kids throughout history have been raised by gay dads, lesbian moms, whole villages, singles, and adoptive parents.

Candy Bedworth 1 January 2024

art for crawling babies Art State of Mind

Art for Babies – What Crawlers Could Do in the Art World

In the previous article, Artworks Your Infant Will Enjoy, we encouraged you to turn gallery trips into sensory classes for your newborn. While these...

Isla Phillips-Ewen 1 June 2023

Art State of Mind

Art for Babies – Artworks Your Infant Will Enjoy

Art is for everyone, even newborns! Parents who love art can still enjoy museums and galleries with their little ones and the little pre-crawlers are...

Isla Phillips-Ewen 1 June 2023


Best Books for Little Art Historians

Can you remember what your first experience with art was? Books can be an easy and fun way to stimulate children’s abilities and interests. We...

Dévra Taboada 1 June 2023


Best Art Books for Little Artists

Learning about art history can be fun! It can stimulate children’s imagination and set them off on their own artistic journeys, whilst teaching...

Dévra Taboada 1 June 2023