Long Read

Male nudes in art: Jean-Hippolyte Flandrin, Study, Young Male Nude Seated beside the Sea, 1836, Musée du Louvre, Paris, France. Erotica

The Greatest Male Nudes in Art History (NSFW!)

Nudity started being an important subject in art in ancient Greece. The male body was celebrated at sports competitions or religious festivals, it...

Anuradha Sroha 7 June 2024


15 Cats in Art History Every Cat Lover Would Love

As a proud owner of Pimpa the Cat, the laziest cat in the world, I do what I must do to spread all that is about cats. I have collected 15 of the...

Zuzanna Stańska 4 June 2024

Still from Music video by JAY-Z performing Picasso Baby: A Performance Art Film, 2013, Pace Gallery, New York, NY, USA. Music

Fine Art in Rap Music: Eight Painters That Rappers Like To Be Compared To

Full of metaphors, double meanings, and references to popular culture – from cinema to literature, and through fine art – rap is a musical genre...

Amélie Pascutto 3 June 2024

Art Travels

Online Art Travels: An Ultimate Banksy City Guide

Nowadays everyone knows Banksy. They actually only know his name and his art, since he still remains anonymous. Many wrote and write about him, his...

Camilla de Laurentis 3 June 2024

Art History 101

Mexican Colors in Art: From Mesoamerica to the World

Not so long ago, artists got their pigments from nature. In consequence, every region of the world had its own pigments and shades of colors. In...

Jimena Escoto 3 June 2024


The Enneagram Types in Art – Of Amazing Painters, Paintings and Diagrams

If you are anything like us, your social media feed is probably full of quizzes! From “What is your ideal decorating style?” to “What is your...

Ledys Chemin, Giordana Goretti 31 May 2024

Group of three figurines, Early Cycladic II, early spedos type, museum number K9, Badisches Landesmuseum, Karlsruhe, Germany. Detail. Ancient Art

Demystifying Cycladic Figurines

Cycladic figurines have a mythical aura. Their gleaming abstract forms speak of timeless beauty. But what actually are they? Why do they look like a...

Isla Phillips-Ewen 27 May 2024


15 Books About Art to Read During Summer

Hopefully, you all planned some holidays this year. Whether you are going to the seaside, hiking in the mountains or visiting a big city, DailyArt...

Joanna Kaszubowska 27 May 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein the Younger

The Ambassadors by Hans Holbein the Younger is one of those paintings that we know so well we tend to forget to look closer. It’s like the Mona...

Joanna Kaszubowska 26 May 2024


Top 10 Strange and Bizarre Paintings

For every picturesque painting, there is at least one strange and bizarre counterpart. We usually gloss over the oddities, because, well, they’re...

Abreeza Thomas 24 May 2024

WTF Art History

Top 10 Weird Christian Relics

Heads, shoulders, knees, and toes… Saintly toes? The variety of saintly relics really offers it all. I hope all of this is not too morbid for you.

Marta Wiktoria Bryll 24 May 2024

Artist Stories

Claude Monet in 10 Paintings

We prefer to be sincere; the title is simply intended to catch your attention. Claude Monet painted throughout his life, from adolescence to his...

Tommy Thiange 21 May 2024