Long Read

actionism in russia: Anatoly Osmalovsky, Necesiudik's Journey to Brombdingnag Land, 1993, Moscow, Russia. Contemporary Art

Why Political Actionism Is So Popular in Russia

The sources of Russian political actionism are in the unofficial art of the 1960s. Nonconformism emerged in a country where kitschy socialist realism...

Diana Sadretdinova 7 March 2022

Women Artists

Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists? 50 Years Later

The well-known essay Why have there been no great women artists by Linda Nochlin was originally published in ARTnews in January 1971. It is an essay...

Errika Gerakiti 1 March 2022

Women Artists

5 Women Who Changed the 20th Century Interior Design

Originally I wanted to write about ten women interior designers, it seemed simple enough. But when I started my research the five women you’ll meet...

Joanna Kaszubowska 31 January 2022

The Devonshire Diamond Tiara - Crowning Glory, beautiful tiaras Design

Crowning Glory – World’s Most Beautiful Tiaras

If you want to feel like a princess there is nothing like a tiara. We all wear earrings, rings, necklaces, but who casually pops a tiara on? Maybe we...

Joanna Kaszubowska 10 January 2022

Contemporary Art

10 Most Expensive Artworks by Living Artists

We present an equation: one contemporary artist, one masterpiece, one auction, and a million-dollar offer. Here are the ten most expensive artworks...

Caroline Galambosova 30 November 2021

Bartu Bölükbaşı, the goddess Umay, the mighty creator mother in Turkic Mythology. Long Read

An Intellectual Talk on Art, Illustration, and Mythology: Interview with Bartu Bölükbaşı

Bartu Bölükbaşı is an illustrator and graphic novel artist from Eskişehir, Turkey. With his great talent and specialization in mythology, the...

Merve Parla 22 November 2021

Long Read

Tombs of Leonardo Bruni and Carlo Marsupini: Strikingly Similar or Substantially Different?

In the 15th century, Florence underwent a cultural and artistic peak without parallel, architecture, painting, and sculpture were at their height.

Guest Profile 14 June 2021

Long Read

700th Anniversary of Dante’s Death in 15 Great Artworks

Hardly any author has been such a rich source of literary inspiration for the visual arts as Dante Alighieri. His two major works, the La Vita Nuova...

Caroline Galambosova 13 April 2021