#Francois Boucher

Museum Stories

Highlights from the Alte Pinakothek in Munich

The Alte Pinakothek is an art museum in Munich, Germany. The name Alte, meaning Old, refers to the time span which the collections cover: the 14th to...

Anastasia Manioudaki 17 June 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Madame de Pompadour by François Boucher

François Boucher (1703–1770) was the most celebrated French painter of the 18th century. His painting Madame de Pompadour captures the beautiful...

James W Singer 14 April 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: La Toilette by François Boucher

The soft rustle of silky cloth and the hard crackling of burning wood echo against the yellow-papered walls of the boudoir. The small room is...

James W Singer 14 April 2024

Women Artists

Madame de Pompadour As an Artist

Madame de Pompadour was the most influential mistress of Louis XV. Even though having influence over a king was no small deal, there is more to De...

Vithória Konzen Dill 30 March 2024


Pillow Talk Stories: The Comfiest Beds in Paintings

When you think about it, most of the events throughout our lives take place in beds. From birth to death, beds are imbued with the ultimate...

Maia Heguiaphal 16 February 2024

Screencap from Doctor Who episode. From left hand side of image: Vincent van Gogh’s The Church at Auvers is on the wall, side on to the viewer. The church windows are at eye level. The Doctor studies the painting intently. Companion Amy looks to the Doctor with a troubled expression. Theater & Cinema

Art in Doctor Who: A Journey Through Time

The year 2023 marked the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who, a British sci-fi show about a runaway alien Time Lord that’s now beloved worldwide. Fans...

Jenna Burns 25 January 2024


6 Greatest Rococo Artists You Should Know

Rococo was the major art movement of the 18th century. Its main characteristics are lightness, decorativeness, and subjects from everyday life of the...

Anastasia Manioudaki 15 January 2024

greek mythology icarus European Art

7 Things That Could Only Happen to You in Greek Mythology

Thinking your luck couldn’t get any worse? Well, brace yourself for a humorous journey into the world of Greek mythology, where even the mighty...

Ania Kaczynska 3 October 2023

Art State of Mind

Allegories of Autumn – Top Ten Sensational Symbolic Artworks

What does Autumn mean to you? Traditionally, it meant the abundance of the harvest, a celebration of ripeness and maturity. Museums and galleries are...

Candy Bedworth 23 September 2023


Madame de Pompadour: The Queen of Arts in Portraits

Elvis Presley’s famous hairstyle was named after her, a French champagne glass is believed to have been modeled after her breast and, according to...

Magda Michalska 9 September 2023


The Lady with the Dog: Meaning of Dogs in Women’s Portraits

The Lady with the Dog is a title that I borrowed from Chekhov’s short story. While Chekhov’s story revolves around an affair, in the realm of...

Joanna Kaszubowska 26 August 2023


French Elegance – How Did Women Dress in 18th-Century France?

While we can no longer personally experience the splendor of 18th-century fashion, thankfully many painters of the time left us the answer to the...

Pola Otterstein 10 August 2023