Museum Stories

quiz women artists Georgia O'Keefe, 1939, private collection. Detail. Museum Stories

Georgia O’Keeffe in Hawaii – Voyage for Pineapples and Artistic Freedom

Georgia O’Keeffe traveled to Hawaii for three months in 1939, leaving on January and returning in April. She was not on vacation, even though she...

Howard Schwartz 18 January 2024

A person looking at the empty painting frame. Museum Stories

Art Crimes: What Is Artnapping?

It can be quite surprising to consider art as one of the items moved in the world’s black-market economy, alongside some of the more expected...

Nikolina Konjevod 11 January 2024

Women Artists

Pre-Raphaelite Sisters: Five Female Painters to Know

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, an all-male artistic fraction active during the second half of the 19th century, has become synonymous today with...

Anastasia Tsaleza 4 December 2023

Museum Stories

15 Best Unique Gifts from Museum Shops 2023

Looking for unique gifts to get your loved ones this holiday season? Look no further! Museum shops around the world offer a treasure trove of...

Martha Teverson 24 November 2023

The Business of Tomorrow cover Review

The Business of Tomorrow – A Biography of Harry Guggenheim

Dirk Smillie’s book, The Business of Tomorrow: The Visionary Life of Harry Guggenheim – From Aviation and Rocketry to the Creation of an Art...

Alexandra Kiely 22 November 2023

Museum Stories

31 Women: Peggy Guggenheim And Her Groundbreaking Exhibition

Perhaps one the most influential women in shaping the art world of the 20th century, Peggy Guggenheim held an exhibition in 1943 that was to be...

Nina Relf 22 November 2023


10 Beautiful Kimono from the Victoria & Albert Museum Collection

The Victoria and Albert Museum in London is one of the leading museums focusing on art and design. It’s special to me due to the vast range of...

Joanna Kaszubowska 13 November 2023


The Freelands Painting Prize and Emerging Artist Chloe Culley

The Freelands Painting Prize celebrates outstanding painting from art schools and universities across the UK. Each year, they invite every higher...

Isla Phillips-Ewen 9 November 2023

Museum Stories

Mysterious Wise Woman in Paulina Ołowska’s Paintings

Paulina Ołowska, a prominent Polish artist known primarily for her paintings, is not one to be confined by artistic conventions. A fervor for...

Piotr Policht 6 November 2023

Museum Stories

How Science Saved Van Gogh’s Sunflowers

In January 2019, the Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam announced that the painting Sunflowers would not be leaving Amsterdam anymore due to its fragile...

Joanna Kaszubowska 3 November 2023

Museums Australia. Heide Museum of Modern Art, Bulleen, Australia Museum Stories

10 Museums to Visit in Australia

Australia may be better known for its beaches and natural wonders – and, of course, kangaroos and koalas. But it is also a country rich in art and...

Vithória Konzen Dill 27 September 2023

Art Travels

Beyond the Biennale – Top Five Art Museums to Visit in Venice

Venice, with its long history, is an open museum that will leave none unsatisfied. La Serenissima is a dream destination for every art lover. Apart...

Anastasia Manioudaki 27 September 2023