Anastasia Tsaleza

Anastasia has a BA in English Language and Literature and is working towards a MA in Art History. She loves learning about women artists and wants to right all of history's wrongs, one article at a time. Like her favorite artist, Keith Haring, she believes "art is for everybody".

Articles by

Women Artists

5 Women Artists Whose Works Were Misattributed to Men

“Why have there been no great women artists?” continues to be a question that pops up all too often. The response can be succinctly summarized...

Anastasia Tsaleza 1 July 2024

art nouveau female artists Women Artists

Art Nouveau’s Unsung Female Artists

Art Nouveau, the movement that flourished between 1890 and 1910, developed at the apex of Belle Époque, the period which encouraged modernity and...

Anastasia Tsaleza 18 March 2024

Artist Stories

Max Ernst and Birds: A Relationship Explained Through Paintings

Max Ernst (1891–1976) was a prolific German avant-garde artist. He was a pioneer in the early 20th-century movements of Dada and Surrealism and...

Anastasia Tsaleza 5 January 2024

Women Artists

Pre-Raphaelite Sisters: Five Female Painters to Know

The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, an all-male artistic fraction active during the second half of the 19th century, has become synonymous today with...

Anastasia Tsaleza 4 December 2023

Women Artists

Augusta Savage: The Woman Who Defined 20th-Century Sculpture

Augusta Savage was a sculptress whose name is often missing from the list of illustrious Harlem Renaissance artists. Throughout her life, she merged...

Anastasia Tsaleza 9 October 2023

Art State of Mind

7 Entertaining Art History Podcasts to Listen To

Podcasts are a stellar tool for diversion, learning, and companionship, as great podcasts tend to have friendly and knowledgeable hosts. Check out...

Anastasia Tsaleza 30 September 2023


The Timeless Prints of William Morris & the Arts and Crafts Movement

If you find yourself confined to your home these days, you’re likely seeking ways to rejuvenate your living space. In this pursuit, a dose of...

Anastasia Tsaleza 28 August 2023

Women Artists

5 Modern Women Artists to Know

When we think of modern women artists, certain names immediately come to mind. For instance, anyone can name Frida Kahlo, and the more well-read will...

Anastasia Tsaleza 1 March 2022