Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece

Ancient Greek Pottery: 4 Ways To Decipher Non-Greeks from Greeks

There is a plethora of Ancient Greek pottery pieces to dive into when discussing Ancient Greece and Ancient Greek citizens. Similarly, there is a lot...

Rachel Witte 25 July 2023

Ancient Greece

The A to Z of Ancient Greek Pottery Terms Pt. 1

In Ancient Greece, vases were a commonplace item. There was no explanation needed as to what they were or how they were used. They each served a...

Rachel Witte 25 July 2023

Ancient Greece

The A to Z of Ancient Greek Pottery Terms Pt. 2

And so the saga continues in our adventures of learning about Ancient Greek pottery! You will probably have noticed that I chose to skip a few...

Rachel Witte 25 July 2023

Ancient Greece

Depictions of Ajax in Ancient Greek Pottery

Ancient Greek literature is abundant in legendary heroes who live and die for everlasting glory. Their names and deeds echoed in the conscience of...

Erol Degirmenci 25 July 2023


A Tale of Revenge and Justice: The Oresteia in Paintings

Marcus Aurelius, the last of the five good Roman emperors once wrote: “The best way to avenge yourself is not to become as they are” (Meditations...

Erol Degirmenci 10 July 2023


Masterpiece Story: The Calumny of Apelles by Sandro Botticelli

Botticelli’s final painting with a mythological subject is based on a lost painting by an ancient Greek painter Apelles. He ventured to...

Magda Michalska 11 June 2023

Ancient Greece

Three Unique Portrayals of Europa’s Abduction Myth

The mesmerizing realm of Greek mythology is one of the greatest sources for artists to exhibit their technical brilliance and unique interpretations.

Erol Degirmenci 9 May 2023

Ancient Greece

Alexander the Great and His Mermaid Sister in Greek Folklore

There is no need for a long introduction to Alexander the Great’s place in history; he is one of the most famous military leaders and he has...

Errika Gerakiti 29 March 2023

Ancient Greece

Persephone and the Pomegranate: Art in Ancient Greece

How has a simple, yet beautiful fruit, been the center of attention throughout history? The pomegranate is symbolic in many cultures and religions,...

Rachel Witte 11 March 2023

Joseph Benoît Suvée, Invention of the Art of Drawing, 1791, Groeningemuseum, Bruges, Belgium. Ancient Greece

Unveiling the Mythical Origins of Painting: The Tale of Dibutades, the Maid of Corinth

Long ago in the city of Corinth in Ancient Greece, a young maid traced the contour of her lover’s face on the wall. The man was leaving on a long...

Jimena Escoto 8 March 2023

Ancient Art

Shocking Chroma: Ancient Sculpture in Color at the Met

Have you ever wondered how the Greco-Roman statues looked during antiquity? Thanks to the Met and its amazing team, you can now get a glimpse of the...

Erol Degirmenci 29 September 2022

Ancient Greece

Pompeii of the Aegean: The Wall Paintings of Thera

The Thera wall paintings (Santorini) reveal the bustling civilization that existed on the southernmost island of the Cyclades circa 1600 BCE. Around...

Anastasia Manioudaki 2 February 2022