#paul cezanne

quiz post impressionism Quiz

QUIZ: Can You Guess These Post-Impressionist Painters?

Guest Profile, 20 July 2024

Dine & Wine

The Gift of Pomona – Pears in Art

The pear has been with us since prehistoric times – dried slices have even been unearthed in Swiss cave dwellings from the Ice Age. In so many...

Candy Bedworth 18 July 2024

Dine & Wine

Fast and Yummy: All We Know About Cézanne’s Fruits

Paul Cézanne was widely misunderstood by his contemporaries. This shy man, who was a precursor of Cubism and Fauvism, loved to paint fruit (in art...

Zuzanna Stańska 18 July 2024


The Saddest Paintings in Art History

Of the broad spectrum of human emotions, sadness is the one that has been a common underlying element of many famous artworks to date. The...

Sam Malone 17 June 2024


Male Nudes to Celebrate Men’s Health

Campaigning for raising awareness about prostate cancer, testicular cancer, men’s depression, and suicide is important. Today we are showing you...

Magda Michalska 7 June 2024


Paul Cézanne and the Card Players

Paul Cézanne painted the theme of Card Players five times. Why is it so important? Critics consider the series to be a cornerstone of...

Zuzanna Stańska 5 June 2024


Father of Modern Art: Paul Cézanne

January 19th marks the birthday of one of the prominent French artists of Post-Impressionism – Paul Cézanne. He is often regarded as the father of...

Valeria Kumekina 5 June 2024

cézanne portraits Art History 101

5 Portraits by Paul Cézanne You Have Probably Never Seen Before

Paul Cézanne is mostly associated with still-lifes. Characteristic square apples and oranges laid on the tables with kicked perspective are...

Zuzanna Stańska 5 June 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Chateau Noir by Paul Cézanne

Chateau Noir is one of several paintings Paul Cézanne made of a Neo-Gothic castle in his hometown, Aix-en-Provence in the south of France. Chateau...

Alexandra Kiely 5 June 2024

Dine & Wine

Caffeinated Art — Masterpieces for Coffee Lovers!

Is there anything more delightful than a cup of hot coffee? It turns out that yes, there is, and it’s coffee in art! Coffee has been subject...

Magda Michalska 13 May 2024

Dine & Wine

The Best Autumn Foods in Still Life Paintings

I love everything about autumn – the cool, crisp air, the warm sweaters, the sense that the holiday season will soon arrive. But most of all, I...

Alexandra Kiely 3 May 2024


A Day in the Garden: 10 Beautiful Gardens in Art

It is widely known that gardens of all shapes and sizes have provided tremendous inspiration to artists throughout time. Artists focused their gaze...

Maya M. Tola 16 April 2024