Art State of Mind

Art State of Mind

The British Landscape in Art

The British Landscape: where do we start? From Turner to Hogan the British landscape presents a constant challenge to artists to capture its elusive...

Sarah Mills 20 September 2023

Art State of Mind

Art and Math: Aesthetics of Calculations

Do you like math? Well, many of us might have had some problems with it when we were in school (I, for one, had many!) and got fed up with it. So...

Rute Ferreira 13 September 2023

Art State of Mind

The Allure of Ruins – Architectural Decay in Art

There is a haunting beauty in architectural ruins. War or the passage of time has ravaged the magnificent feats of earlier civilizations. But in...

Maya M. Tola 11 September 2023

Artist Stories

The Mysterious Pinturas Negras Reveal Goya’s Darkest Secrets

There are already several articles that treat in detail the life and works of Francisco Goya. If you want to learn about his career or most famous...

Magda Michalska 10 September 2023

Art State of Mind

True Tips for a Happier Life from the Miniatures of Reza Abbasi

Everyone wants to be happy and each of us has a different idea of happiness. For some, it is finishing college and getting a new job. For others, it...

Rute Ferreira 7 September 2023


The Lady with the Dog: Meaning of Dogs in Women’s Portraits

The Lady with the Dog is a title that I borrowed from Chekhov’s short story. While Chekhov’s story revolves around an affair, in the realm of...

Joanna Kaszubowska 26 August 2023

Art History 101

Artist and Patron – Friend or Foe?

Since ancient times, patrons have played a vital role in art history. Patronage can be found almost everywhere – in Europe, feudal Japan, and...

Candy Bedworth 7 August 2023


The International Dispute over Moctezuma’s Headdress

Throughout Mexico’s rich history, two significant milestones have shaped its identity: the fall of Tenochtitlan, the Aztec city that laid the...

Magda Michalska 5 August 2023

Museum Stories

Her Life and Her Museum: Isabella Stewart Gardner

The story of the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum and its founder before the robbery in 1990.

Jennifer S. Musawwir 29 July 2023

Art State of Mind

It’s Too Hot to Move – Paintings for the Heatwave

As the heatwave rolls across Europe, it is certainly becoming too hot to move. And when we’re not moving, nothing is more pleasant than to lie...

Joanna Kaszubowska 27 July 2023

Saltimbanques Harlequin, 1901 and his Companion by Pablo Picasso (1901) Art State of Mind

Feeling Blue? Color Psychology and Its Use in Art

The year was 1901 when Picasso’s dear friend, Carles Casagemas, committed suicide. That same year, Picasso sank into a deep depression during...

Bruno Guerra 24 July 2023

Jan van Eyck, Ghent Altarpiece, 1432 Art History 101

10 Things You Need To Know About Jan van Eyck

Flemish painter Jan van Eyck (1390 – 1441) was one of the key artists of the Early Northern Renaissance. His technical brilliance and mastery...

Zuzanna Stańska 21 July 2023