Art State of Mind

Art State of Mind

Art Guide to Quarantine by DailyArt

So, you’re bored in quarantine, or maybe they closed your favorite museum. The COVID-19 outbreak has us all wondering what to do. If just like us you turn to art in anxious times, you might use this guideline to fill your time with a bit of beauty.

Marta Wiktoria Bryll 17 March 2020

Art State of Mind

Ugly Cities Transformed

Seeing a place, object or person through the eyes of an artist can change our perception of the subject of the artwork. So, if art is such a powerful...

Guest Profile 13 December 2019

Theater & Cinema

Art in The Crown: Spies, Secrets and The Royal Art Collection

The Crown is not amused… There’s a scandal brewing behind the doors of Buckingham Palace. Let’s investigate art in The Crown,...

Tony Heathfield 25 November 2019

Art State of Mind

10 Best Christmas Gifts from Museums

Halloween has passed and the Christmas season has officially started. With it the longer nights, warm glow of lights and candles, and the headache of...

Joanna Kaszubowska 23 November 2019


Book Review: Sister Wendy’s 100 Best-loved Paintings

Late last year, the art world mourned the death of Sister Wendy Beckett (1930-2018), the quirky British nun who became a world-wide sensation as a...

Alexandra Kiely 9 November 2019

Art State of Mind

A Glimpse of Maritime Life in the Past in 7 Artworks

Sea, harbours, weather, ships, sailors, fishermen, merchants – maritime life is rich and fascinating. Let’s see a few great depictions of...

Europeana 4 October 2019

Art History 101

Logomania – Words in Art

What do Jean-Michel Basquiat, The François Vase, Tracey Emin and Xu Bing have in common? Words! So, in the spirit of light summer reading,...

Isla Phillips-Ewen 1 August 2019

Take a Trip with Rosemary Ellis

As we head into summer holiday season, let’s take a look back at the gorgeous travel posters designed by British artist Rosemary Ellis. One of the...

Candy Bedworth 11 July 2019

Sixth Sense? Allegories of Senses in Painting

How to show our sensual experiences visually? The human senses made out one of the most appealing subjects for European painters, especially that...

Magda Michalska 26 June 2019

Art State of Mind

I Put a Spell on You – Vodou Art

Vodou is one of the most misunderstood belief systems in the world. Derided by the Church and popular culture, in fact it is a fascinating system of...

Candy Bedworth 19 June 2019

Art State of Mind

How to Become an Old Master? Turn on the Youtube First!

I can’t draw, I can’t paint, I can’t sculpt or do pottery. But I can watch videos on Rijksmuseum Youtube channel called...

Magda Michalska 13 June 2019

Art History 101

Geek Art

The geek-art community has an affluent and acquisitive sub culture that has a seemingly insatiable thirst for paintings, models and sculptures. Pop...

Candy Bedworth 25 May 2019