Women Artists


Extensions of Nature and Memory: Interview with Bianca Lee Vasquez

Bianca Lee Vasquez is a multidisciplinary artist based in France. Working primarily across photography, performance, installation, and clay, she...

Marga Patterson 4 July 2022


Vivian Maier: The Self-Portrait and Its Double in Brussels

For the first time in Belgium, Bozar presents an exhibition on the work of Vivian Maier. Unknown in her lifetime, she is now recognized as one of the...

Tommy Thiange 23 June 2022

Artist Stories

More Than Fifty Shades of Grey in the Grey Life of Romaine Brooks

The story of Romaine Brooks could have been a story of success, luxury, and the easy life since she was born into a very wealthy American family (her...

Magda Michalska 23 June 2022


Gwen John: A Converted Artist

Have you ever heard of Gwen John before? She was a painter from Wales following the Post-Impressionist style. The compositions of her artworks are...

Magda Michalska 22 June 2022

Women Artists

Home and Migration in the Artworks of Zarina Hashmi

Zarina Hashmi (1937–2020), was an Indian-American artist and printmaker based in New York City. She was known by her professional name, Zarina.

Anuradha Sroha 20 June 2022

Artist Stories

10 Things You Must Know About Tamara de Lempicka

Tamara de Lempicka was many things: a successful artist, a society darling, and an expat. She knew how to create interest in herself and capitalize...

Joanna Kaszubowska 13 June 2022

Artist Stories

The Dreamlike, Queer and Femme Paintings of Marie Laurencin

Most art fans know the names of the male avant-garde artists in the early 1900s, but fewer people know of the women who mastered the craft. Marie...

Guest Profile 13 June 2022

Women Artists

Salty Art: Sigalit Landau and the Dead Sea

Artist Sigalit Landau is one of the most successful Israeli artists in the world. Her sculptures, videos, and installations have been exhibited over...

Noa Weisberg 5 June 2022


The Colors of the Earth and Beyond: Artist Interview with Ulrike Arnold

Ulrike Arnold (b. 1950) is a contemporary German artist working with earth pigments that she gathers by hand. For the last 40 years, she has traveled...

Marga Patterson 22 April 2022

Women Artists

Olga Boznanska: The Uneasy Story of a Polish Painter

Olga Boznanska was one of the most famous female Polish Post-Impressionists. Her multiple portraits of fragile women and children are permeated with...

Magda Michalska, Aniela Rybak-Vaganay 14 April 2022


The Marina Abramović Method: Instructions to Reboot Your Life

Marina Abramović is a pioneer of performance art. She is known across the globe for conceptual art practices that push human endurance and...

Candy Bedworth 11 April 2022


Quiz: Cindy Sherman vs The Old Masters

Time for a little quiz for all those who consider themselves experts in the Old Masters! We will show you photographs made by Cindy Sherman, a...

Magda Michalska, Aniela Rybak-Vaganay 24 March 2022