
Thomas Cole, The Course of Empire, Destruction, 1836, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY, USA. Wikimedia Commons (public domain). Ancient Rome

Painting the Fall of the Roman Empire

After many centuries, we are still wondering why the Roman Empire disappeared. Many theories try to explain it: wars, ideological problems, a chaotic...

Celia Leiva Otto 15 March 2024

Henri Matisse, The gulf of Sint-Tropez, 1904, Kunstsammlung Nordhein-Westfalen, Düsseldorf, Germany Art Travels

Top 5 Artsy Travel Destinations in 2024 Through Paintings

We suggest you a selection of the best tourist destinations and festivals by the hand of great artists!

Andra Patricia Ritisan 11 March 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Portrait of Sofonisba Anguissola by Anthony van Dyck

Anthony van Dyck was a Flemish painter born in Antwerp (then Spanish Netherlands, now Belgium) in 1599 and passed away in London in 1641. From 1621...

Soledad Castillo Jara 10 March 2024


The True Star of Early Photography: Virginia Oldoini

Virginia Elisabetta Luisa Antonietta Teresa Maria Oldoini – in short, Countess of Castiglione – was a real celebrity of her times. I imagine that...

Zuzanna Stańska 8 March 2024

Michelangelo's secret room News

Discover Michelangelo’s Secret Room

Visitors of the Basilica di San Lorenzo in Florence, Italy have a unique chance to visit a secret room under the Medici Chapel until March 30, 2024,...

Natalia Iacobelli 6 March 2024


Everything You Must Know about All Michelangelo’s Pietàs

I guess everyone knows Michelangelo’s Pietà from St. Peter Basilica in the Vatican. But did you know, it is not the only sculpture of this subject...

Zuzanna Stańska 6 March 2024

Giambattista Tiepolo, The Banquet of Cleopatra, 1744, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia. Artist Stories

Tiepolo: The Last Venetian Master

Mainland Italy is a perfect country for fresco production since it is dominated by a dry climate that preserves frescoes very well. Even though...

Magda Michalska 5 March 2024


Power, Victory and Death: Titian in 5 Paintings from Venice

Titian was the most famous painter of the Venetian Renaissance. Even during his lifetime the artist had been acclaimed as the greatest painter of his...

Alina Manevskaya 5 March 2024

Art History 101

The Most Pioneering Painters of the Venetian Renaissance

The Venetian School refers to the painters of the Venetian Renaissance. It developed in Venice in the late 15th century and lasted until around 1580.

Charlotte Stace 5 March 2024

Artist Stories

Everything You Need to Know About Giorgione

Giorgione was an Italian painter from Venice whose career was cut off by his death at a little over 30. And that is a problem – everyone knows his...

Zuzanna Stańska 5 March 2024

Rosalba Carriera, The Allegory of Music, 1712 Bavarian National Museum, Munich, Germany. Wikimedia Commons (public domain). Rococo

Rosalba Carriera: The Accomplished Pastellist

Do you know the great Rococo portraitist Rosalba Carriera? She was one of the most famous painters of the early 18th century. Carriera became known...

Maia Heguiaphal 5 March 2024

Sofonisba Anguissola, Self-Portrait Painting the Madonna, 1556, 66 x 57 cm, Lancut Museum, Poland. ArtStor digital library. Women Artists

Sofonisba Anguissola: The Life of a Rule-Breaker Painter

During the Italian Renaissance, women artists did not have the same access to artistic education as men. Sofonisba Anguissola, however, was very...

Nina Relf 29 February 2024