#Eugene Delacroix


An Artistic Look at Women Through the Ages

“Woman” is more than just the female of the human species. The word conjures deep emotions and feelings that are as varied as there are...

Ledys Chemin 1 March 2024

Art State of Mind

Bringing Up Baby – The Art of Parenting Through the Ages

Childcare can take so many forms. Kids throughout history have been raised by gay dads, lesbian moms, whole villages, singles, and adoptive parents.

Candy Bedworth 1 January 2024

Museum Stories

10 Spectacular Hidden Gems at the Louvre Museum

The Louvre Museum in the heart of Paris is home to an incredible collection of artworks. Everyone knows it includes Mona Lisa, Nike of Samothrace,...

Camilla de Laurentis 11 September 2023

Romanticism. Théodore Géricault, The Raft of the Medusa, 1819, Musée de Louvre, Paris, France. Romanticism

Art History 101: Everything You Need to Know About Romanticism

At the end of the 18th century, artists began to reject the ideas of the Enlightenment which prioritized reason above all. They wanted to consider...

Jimena Escoto 4 September 2023

Art History 101

Back to School: The Great Art History 101

Welcome to Art History 101! Here we’ll get to “oh“ and “ah” over iconic art that has shaped human ideas and thinking for centuries as we...

Ledys Chemin 1 September 2023

Art History 101

Artists and Paintings: Everything You Need to Know About Impressionism

Impressionism has become one of the most significant movements of modern art. The names of Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, or Edgar Degas are...

Nataliia Pecherska 20 June 2023

Rivers in paintings: J.M.W. Turner, The Fighting Temeraire, 1839, National Gallery, London, UK. Painting

Down by the River: Rivers in Famous Paintings

From the dawn of civilization, rivers have been the crux of human life. Most great cities are built around rivers. We use them for sustenance,...

Anastasia Manioudaki 22 March 2023

chinese new year tiger, Kishi Chikudo, Detail from Tiger, Tigress and Cubs, 1892 Animals

Year of the Tiger: Chinese New Year 2022

The year of the tiger is upon us! Tigers are frequently depicted in Chinese art, but they have fascinated so many artists from across the world.

Candy Bedworth 1 February 2022

Atala. Luis Monroy Josué, Last Moments of Atala, 1871,Museo Nacional de Arte, Mexico City, Mexico. Literature

Atala: The Tragedy that Transcended Pages

In the 19th century, Europeans went crazy for one story: Atala, or the Story of Two Lovers in the Desert. It is a novel by René de Chateaubriand...

Jimena Escoto 3 January 2022


When Literature Meets Painting

Have you ever been so in love with a scene from a book that it made you think (perhaps out loud): “Well that would make a perfect painting”? If...

Yahya Bensouda 3 January 2022


Picasso and His 15 Versions of Les Femmes d’Alger

When the Algerian War of Independence began on 1st November 1954, Pablo Picasso felt an urge to somehow respond to the violence and suffering that...

Magda Michalska 3 October 2021

Long Read

700th Anniversary of Dante’s Death in 15 Great Artworks

Hardly any author has been such a rich source of literary inspiration for the visual arts as Dante Alighieri. His two major works, the La Vita Nuova...

Caroline Galambosova 13 April 2021