

Why Babies in Medieval Paintings Look Like Ugly Old Men

The reason is: at the time, philosophers thought that Christ was born like a “perfectly formed and unchanged” man, aka he came out...

Zuzanna Stańska 9 December 2017

WTF Art History

The True Story of American Gothic According to SNL

If you ever wondered how famous paintings were created, how exactly looked the process of creation, setting up the sitters, choosing their...

Zuzanna Stańska 5 December 2017

Art Forms

Get Yourself Ready, Met Gala 2018 Theme Is Revealed: “Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination”

This is going to be MADNESS. Every year Metropolitan Museum of Art hosts the famous Met Gala. Formally called the Costume Institute Gala and also...

Zuzanna Stańska 15 November 2017

WTF Art History

A Visitor Damages Piece Of Art – No Worries, It Will Be Fixed

I love Ives Klein. It’s hard to explain as his works are JUST BLUE – or maybe I should say INTERNATIONAL KLEIN BLUE (IKB). But apparently...

Zuzanna Stańska 29 August 2017


Happy 5th Birthday DailyArt!

Exactly on this day in 2012, DailyArt mobile apps have been published on AppStore and Google Play. It means, that WE ARE 5 YEARS OLD! (In the mobile...

Zuzanna Stańska 22 August 2017


A Paradise For All Hipsters – Gluten Free Art Museum

Internet is full of wonders. A French graphic artist Arthur Coulet has created a Tumblr called the Gluten-Free Museum that removes everything...

Zuzanna Stańska 15 August 2017


Watch Legs Of People From Famous Paintings Imagined

Have you ever been curious how the legs of people from famous portraits might have look like? Well, I never was but the idea is quite interesting. On...

Zuzanna Stańska 12 August 2017

Art Forms

How Cindy Sherman Shaked The Art World With Instagram

Couple of days ago, a private Instagram account run by famous photographer Cindy Sherman featuring a new series of selfies was made public. It...

Zuzanna Stańska 10 August 2017


Listen What Andy Warhol Thought Of Jasper Johns

Just listen. No comment on...

Zuzanna Stańska 9 August 2017


The Frivolous World Of Art According To Ege Islekel

Ege Islekel was born in 1990. He is a designer and digital collage artist born and raised in İzmir, Turkey. After working with several architectural...

Zuzanna Stańska 5 August 2017

FEAR NOT, When Jesus Tells You He is Coming, You Build Him a Throne

After receiving religious visions, James Hampton spent 14 years of his life preparing for Christ’s return to earth. When he died from stomach...

Rachel Istvan 4 August 2017

Art Forms

Watch How Inge Prader Brought Klimt’s Masterpieces To Life

Golden phase of Gustav Klimt’s art brought to this world one of the most characteristic pieces of art in history. In 2015, the photographer...

Zuzanna Stańska 21 July 2017