#Vincent van Gogh


Pillow Talk Stories: The Comfiest Beds in Paintings

When you think about it, most of the events throughout our lives take place in beds. From birth to death, beds are imbued with the ultimate...

Maia Heguiaphal 16 February 2024

Art State of Mind

10 Art Masterpieces to Calm Your Anxiety

Art can be many different things: a snobbery-builder; a boredom-killer. According to some studies, it may even extend your life. It can also simply...

Zuzanna Stańska 16 February 2024


The Story of an Excessively Electric Friendship Between Van Gogh and Gauguin

People say that you shouldn’t live with your friends because your friendship may deteriorate. The story of the friendship between Vincent van...

Magda Michalska 13 February 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Almond Blossom by Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime. He was not a financially successful artist, and he was entirely dependent on his...

James W Singer 28 January 2024

Screencap from Doctor Who episode. From left hand side of image: Vincent van Gogh’s The Church at Auvers is on the wall, side on to the viewer. The church windows are at eye level. The Doctor studies the painting intently. Companion Amy looks to the Doctor with a troubled expression. Theater & Cinema

Art in Doctor Who: A Journey Through Time

The year 2023 marked the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who, a British sci-fi show about a runaway alien Time Lord that’s now beloved worldwide. Fans...

Jenna Burns 25 January 2024

Theater & Cinema

Art from the BoJack Horseman Explained (All Seasons)

We love it when pop culture adopts, uses, and remixes art history, especially when that mixture includes a TV show! If you’re a BoJack Horseman fan...

Zuzanna Stańska 25 January 2024


The Mystery of Vincent van Gogh’s Photos

Vincent van Gogh famously recorded himself in numerous self-portraits, but he hated photography and supposedly he never sat for a photo as an adult.

Zuzanna Stańska 22 January 2024

Art State of Mind

Synesthesia – The Surprising and Powerful Fusion of Senses in Art

Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which a perception from one sense evokes sensation in another one. In the art world, there are works that...

Camilla de Laurentis 22 January 2024


10 Vincent van Gogh Self-Portraits You Need to Know

Vincent van Gogh created 36 self-portraits in the space of only 10 years. These works are an amazing source of knowledge not only of how Van Gogh...

Zuzanna Stańska 16 January 2024

Squid Game. Art reference to Judy Chicago’s The Dinner Party in Squid Game, S1E08. Squid Game/ Netflix. Theater & Cinema

Squid Game: Art in the Darkest of Places

Television may not have as long a history as other art forms. Nonetheless, it has often taken inspiration from them. Do you remember the incredibly...

Jimena Escoto 13 January 2024

Lady writing at desk, Johannes Vermeer Art State of Mind

This Year is the Year—Artsy Resolutions for All Habit Personalities

An estimated 74% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions. After a week, 75% of these resolution makers are still successful. A month later, 64%...

Ledys Chemin 29 December 2023


Divine Inspiration: Angels in Art

Angels have been a source of artistic inspiration throughout history. Whether adorned with wings and halos or not, the varied appearances of angels...

Jenna Burns 26 December 2023