
Women Artists

The Colorful World of Niki de Saint Phalle’s Tarot Garden

Inspired by Antoni Gaudí’s Park Güell in Barcelona, Parco dei Mostri in Bomarzo, as well as Palais Idéal by Ferdinand Cheval, the...

Caroline Galambosova 10 July 2024

Art State of Mind

5 Gardens in Art That Make Every Gardener Envious

Doesn’t matter if you have a garden, a balcony, a terrace, or just a window sill on which you keep a small cactus. These gardens in art are like...

Magda Michalska 16 April 2024


10 Soothing Gardens in Painting

Gardens provide a quiet respite from the chaos of everyday life and are an unfailing way to recharge the mind and soothe the tired soul… and,...

Maya M. Tola 16 April 2024


A Day in the Garden: 10 Beautiful Gardens in Art

It is widely known that gardens of all shapes and sizes have provided tremendous inspiration to artists throughout time. Artists focused their gaze...

Maya M. Tola 16 April 2024

Rusiñol's painting of a garden view depicting a hedge maze with a sculpture in the center with trees. and filtered sunlight in the distance. Artist Stories

The Beautiful Gardens of Santiago Rusiñol

Santiago Rusiñol i Prats was a prolific painter, draftsman, playwright, novelist, poet, and cultural activist from the late 19th and early 20th...

Maya M. Tola 16 April 2024


The Most Beautiful Gardens in Art

To help fight off the blues, here’s a guide to some of the most beautiful gardens in art. Both art and the outdoors offer solace and a calmness...

Charlotte Stace 16 April 2024


Jesus Christ the Gardener: Noli Me Tangere in Art

How did Jesus inadvertently become a gardener in art? Well, it all started with a simple mistake. But maybe there’s a profound symbolic meaning...

Ela Bobek 1 April 2024

John William Waterhouse, The Soul of the Rose, 1908. Wikimedia Commons (public domain). Detail. Art State of Mind

Viva Floralia! All Flowers in Art

The Floralia festival was celebrated in Ancient Rome in honor of the goddess Flora. Because there is nothing more beautiful than flowers and,...

Andra Patricia Ritisan 28 February 2024

Artist Stories

A Brief Story of Claude Monet’s Garden in Giverny

Famous Impressionist artist Claude Monet‘s garden in Giverny has been one of the must-see sights for every art lover visiting France. It is a...

Bolor Jargalsaikhan 14 November 2023

View of the Menagerie at Kew, Thomas Sandby European Art

William Chambers’ Designs for the Royal Gardens at Kew

During the middle of the 18th century, landscape gardening became valued higher than a work of art in England. Landscape gardener William Chambers...

Anna Ingram 24 July 2023

Asian Art

Mughal Gardens: Paradise on Earth

The Mughal regime is a well-documented era and the cultural achievements of this period are an important landmark in South Asian art history. While...

Maya M. Tola 24 July 2023

Art Travels

Colorful Gardens and Parks in the World

Whether colors represent environmental phenomena, human history, or personal freedom, there are canvases that exist beyond an artist’s studio.

Anuradha Sroha 24 July 2023