#Thomas Gainsborough

Movie still from Saltburn, directed by Emerald Fennell, 2023. Prime Video. Theater & Cinema

Art in Saltburn – The Influence of Art on the Film

The filmmaker and writer, Emerald Fennell, following the success of her debut film, showcases her keen eye for art in her latest movie Saltburn.

Sandra Juszczyk 10 June 2024

Art History 101

Twelve Important Portraits to Know

Let us embark on a journey through the course of art history with twelve significant portraits everybody should definitely know! The human need to...

Anastasia Manioudaki 1 April 2024


Thomas Gainsborough and His Dog Portraits

Thomas Gainsborough (1727-1788) was a portrait and landscape painter. During his career, he often painted dogs accompanying his sitters. He always...

Joanna Kaszubowska 26 March 2024


Looking for a Hat Inspiration? Best Hats from Paintings

I’ve heard that this year berets are back in fashion, which makes me very happy, but if you are still looking for your perfect hat for the first...

Magda Michalska 7 March 2024


6 Greatest Rococo Artists You Should Know

Rococo was the major art movement of the 18th century. Its main characteristics are lightness, decorativeness, and subjects from everyday life of the...

Anastasia Manioudaki 15 January 2024


Puppies, Doggies and Pugs in Art (For Dog Lovers Only!)

Dogs are man’s best friends. And if that man happens to be a painter or a sitter for a painting, their four-legged friends must be included in them...

Magda Michalska, Aniela Rybak-Vaganay 11 April 2023

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Journey of Blue Boy by Thomas Gainsborough

Originally titled A Portrait of a Young Gentleman, this iconic painting by Thomas Gainsborough was first presented at the Royal Academy exhibition of...

Maya M. Tola 23 August 2022


British Drawings at The Huntington

The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens in San Marino, California has curated the 100 Great British Drawings exhibit at the MaryLou...

Maya M. Tola 4 August 2022

European Art

Our Dad Is an Artist: Thomas Gainsborough’s Daughters

British portrait and landscape painter Thomas Gainsborough was born on this day in 1727. Happy Birthday! To celebrate, let’s talk about his...

Alexandra Kiely 14 May 2022

Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Grace Dalrymple Elliott by Thomas Gainsborough

The Frick Collection has an amazing ensemble of European masters. For example, works by Vermeer, Fragonard, and Goya grace its walls. Every room has...

James W Singer 14 May 2022

Theater & Cinema

Art Timeline: Paintings Inspired by Themes of the Film Orlando

Orlando (1992) is a British period drama based on the Virginia Woolf novel of the same name and is directed by Sally Potter. Orlando, played by...

Kateryna Martynova 2 June 2020