#protest art

Barbara Kruger, Untitled (We Don't Need Another Hero), 1987. Screenprint on vinyl. Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, USA. Contemporary Art

Barbara Kruger: The Radical Voice of American Art

Barbara Kruger stands out as one of the most influential artists of the 21st century. Notably, in 2021, TIME magazine featured her on their 100 Most...

Errika Gerakiti 15 July 2024

WTF Art History

Forbidden Art – 10 Scandalous Cases of Censorship in Art

Art history is painted with shades of prohibition—works banned, artists silenced, and masterpieces under attack. From centuries past to the cutting...

Celia Leiva Otto 12 April 2024

African Art

Art as a Catalyst: How Art Played a Pivotal Role in the End of Apartheid

South Africa is infamous for its time of apartheid (1948-1994), a legal system for racial segregation. It was a period of violence and oppression...

Guest Profile 8 February 2024

Contemporary Art

Most Important Works of Joseph Beuys

Joseph Beuys was one of those mysterious artists whose biography can be considered a separate work of art. He’s rightly regarded as one of the...

Magda Michalska 29 January 2024

Migrants. Banksy, Migrant Child, 2019, Island of Dorsoduro, Venice, Italy. Contemporary Art

Banksy on the Side of Migrants

Banksy is an artist who became famous all over the world for his clever political and social graffiti. He always denounces injustice, inequality, and...

Camilla de Laurentis 18 December 2023

Contemporary Art

Let Your Voice Be Heard: Ai Weiwei in 10 Artworks

Ai Weiwei is the world’s most famous art dissident. Here we take a tour of ten of his most significant works.

Candy Bedworth 24 October 2023

Women Artists

Mastering Details: Heads and Hands in Käthe Kollwitz’s Art

The focus of Käthe Kollwitz’s art is the human being. Above all, a compassionate, humane outlook is characteristic of her approach. She was mainly...

Petra Dragasevic 22 September 2023

Klaire Lockheart, Brodalisque of Urbino 2021 Interview

Interview with Klaire Lockheart: Post-Apocalyptic Feminist Artist

Candy Bedworth explores feminism, colonialism and orientalism with American artist Klaire Lockheart. All this whilst wearing post-apocalyptic costumes.

Candy Bedworth 3 September 2023

Contemporary Art

Art Activist Barbie – When Playful Protests Indicate Gender Inequality in Art

Art Activist Barbie has been showing up in museums and galleries for over four years, criticizing the male-dominated art world. Holding a lollipop...

Errika Gerakiti 17 July 2023

Women Artists

Marxist, Nationalist, Feminist: The Art and Politics of Frida Kahlo

Marxist, nationalist, feminist – these are the words that describe not only the political convictions but also the artworks of Frida Kahlo.

Kacper Grass 6 July 2023


Gio Swaby’s First Solo Show on Tour Through the States

Women and people of color are severely underrepresented as artists in the Western art tradition. Praised masterpieces hang on the walls of major...

James W Singer 25 August 2022

Contemporary Art

Moving Dialogues Between Art History and The Syrian War

And yet another war. The only thing that I can do about it, apart from donating to humanitarian aid organizations, pressuring my government to take...

Magda Michalska 14 March 2022