#The Metropolitan Museum of Art


Van Gogh’s Marvelous Flower Paintings

Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890) was an incredibly prolific artist whose paintings are known all over the world. Besides self-portraits and landscapes,...

Camilla de Laurentis 13 June 2024

Georges de La Tour, The Fortune Teller Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Fortune Teller by Georges de La Tour

The Fortune Teller is one of Georges de La Tour’s early masterpieces. The Baroque oil painting, once questioned by the Louvre Museum for its...

Anna Ingram 31 May 2024


All the Beauty in the World: An Insider’s Look Into The Metropolitan Museum

All the Beauty in the World: The Metropolitan Museum of Art and Me is a portrait, a memoir, almost a poem, written by Patrick Bringley about the ten...

Ledys Chemin 9 May 2024


Met Gala: Best of Art and Fashion Moments

You only need type “Fashion” into the search bar on DailyArt Magazine and you will be met with numerous articles on the topic ranging from how...

Rachel Witte 6 May 2024

Guerrilla Girls, Benvenuti alla biennale femminista!, 2005, National Museum of Women in the Arts, Washington, DC, USA. Women Artists

Guerrilla Girls – The Feminist Conscience of the Art World

Here’s a look at the Guerrilla Girls’ feminist interventions that have kept the art world on its toes in honor of their most recent publication.

Jennifer S. Musawwir 12 April 2024


The True Star of Early Photography: Virginia Oldoini

Virginia Elisabetta Luisa Antonietta Teresa Maria Oldoini – in short, Countess of Castiglione – was a real celebrity of her times. I imagine that...

Zuzanna Stańska 8 March 2024

Art State of Mind

10 Gift Ideas from 10 Museums Around the World

If you are struggling with inspiration for great gifts, do not fret! DailyArt Magazine is here to help. Today, we will go around the world looking...

Joanna Kaszubowska 11 January 2024

Attributed to the Workshop of Nicholas Hilliard, Elizabeth I Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Portrait of Elizabeth I

The portrait of Elizabeth I is attributed to the workshop of Nicholas Hilliard and showcases the queen in her sixties. Similar to other images of...

Anna Ingram 7 December 2023

Medieval Art

The Unicorn Tapestries – Allegory of Christ, or a Happy Husband?

The Unicorn Tapestries are a set of medieval tapestries depicting a hunt for a unicorn, a popular motif at the time. They’re probably the most...

Alexandra Kiely 2 December 2023

Medieval Art

How Disney’s Sleeping Beauty Was Inspired by the Late Medieval Tapestry

In Charles Perrault’s 17th-century literary world, knights, dragons, and spellbound princesses persisted centuries after the topic diminished. As...

Anna Ingram 2 December 2023

Museum Stories

15 Best Unique Gifts from Museum Shops 2023

Looking for unique gifts to get your loved ones this holiday season? Look no further! Museum shops around the world offer a treasure trove of...

Martha Teverson 24 November 2023

Benin art African Art

Art Treasures from the African Kingdom of Benin

Today we’ll go back in time to the 1500s when the wealth of the Benin Empire (in contemporary Nigeria) was at its peak: when Europeans traded with...

Magda Michalska 25 May 2023