#Piet Mondrian

Piet Mondrian's Composition: Piet Mondrian, Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow, 1930, Kunsthaus Zürich, Switzerland. Detail. Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow by Piet Mondrian

Composition with Red, Blue and Yellow is a golden example of Abstraction, De Stijl, and Constructivism. It purges the art of individual subjects by...

James W Singer 19 May 2024

Piet Mondrian, The Gray Tree, 1912, Kunstmuseum Den Haag, Hague, Netherlands. Painting

5 Paintings by Piet Mondrian You Wouldn’t Believe Were His

Piet Mondrian, one of the founders of the Dutch modern movement De Stijl, is mostly known for his pure abstractions from the 1920s, reduced to lines,...

Zuzanna Stańska, Aniela Rybak-Vaganay 1 February 2024

Art State of Mind

10 Masterpieces for Boosting Good Feng Shui in Your House

Feng shui is a millenary art which focuses on the flow of energy. It is most of the time related to furniture and decoration, in ancient times it was...

Sofia Rodriguez Cuevas 28 November 2023

Contemporary Art

The Art Office: Corporate Art Collections

What is your first thought when you think about going to the bank? Or a big company office? I am sure that it is not connected to art at all. You...

Elizaveta Ermakova 24 November 2023


Theosophy and Art: There Is No Religion Higher Than Truth

 “There is no religion higher than truth”, reads the motto of the American Theosophical Society, functioning since its foundation in New...

Magda Michalska 26 October 2023

Art State of Mind

Art and Math: Aesthetics of Calculations

Do you like math? Well, many of us might have had some problems with it when we were in school (I, for one, had many!) and got fed up with it. So...

Rute Ferreira 13 September 2023

Art History 101

How to Read Piet Mondrian

We can all recognize Mondrian’s work in a second. Our eyes navigate through the lines jumping from color to color. His artistic career...

Celia Leiva Otto 13 September 2023

Dine & Wine

Art History Inspired Birthday Cakes

Birthday cakes are an established tradition for many. Baking in itself is an art – a delicious one. So why have a cake that is only delicious? Make...

Vithória Konzen Dill 13 July 2023

Art State of Mind

The Ultimate Question: Why Should You Learn About Art?

Art creates emotions and, generally, you either like a certain piece of art or you don’t. But despite that, what is valid for everything else is...

Petra Dragasevic 1 October 2021