#Gustave Dore


Greek Mythological Creatures That Combine Female Beauty and Beastly Ugliness

Gods, goddesses, demigods, horrible monsters, and beasts of hybrid forms roam the world of Ancient Greek mythology. Their heredity shaped many of the...

Bolor Jargalsaikhan 27 June 2024


Vincent van Gogh Copying Other Artists

Vincent van Gogh is famous today for two reasons. Firstly, his unstoppable creativity. He produced 2,100 artworks in just over a decade. And,...

Anastasia Manioudaki 30 March 2024

Women Artists

The Divine Sarah: Sarah Bernhardt, The First Artist Superstar

While we are all familiar with celebrity culture and can recognize all of the Kardashians by their silhouettes, the idea of ‘celebrity’ is not a...

Wendy Gray 24 March 2024

Museum Stories

An Insider’s Look: Denver Art Museum Staff’s Favorite Artworks

Denver Art Museum was founded in 1893 and since then has enriched the cultural life of the state of Colorado. It is one of the largest museums in the...

Nicole Ganbold 27 October 2022

Art History 101

Top 5 Most Famous Print Series in Art

Printmaking, the art of printing artworks on paper, developed in the 15th century when paper became widely available in Europe. Gutenberg’s...

Anastasia Manioudaki 11 August 2021

Long Read

700th Anniversary of Dante’s Death in 15 Great Artworks

Hardly any author has been such a rich source of literary inspiration for the visual arts as Dante Alighieri. His two major works, the La Vita Nuova...

Caroline Galambosova 13 April 2021

Art History 101

All the Prodigal Sons in Art

A quick internet search for “the Prodigal Son in art” yields some 13,000,000 results! What makes this 2,000-year-old story so compelling that...

Ledys Chemin 27 November 2020


When the Arts Meet: Art Inspired Album Covers

If music is the soul of an album then the art on the cover must be its body. The choice of artwork for an album cover is an important one because at...

Anastasia Manioudaki 11 May 2020