
Artist Stories

Vasily Vereshchagin – Journey through India

Vasily Vereshchagin was a notable Russian soldier, artist, and writer from the 19th century. He was an outspoken critic of war who reformed the genre...

Maya M. Tola 17 November 2023

Artist Stories

An Orientalist from the Orient: Theodoros Rallis

Not every Orientalist painter journeyed to the Orient or the Levant to observe and interact with the socio-cultural fabric they intended to portray...

Erol Degirmenci 3 November 2022

Edwin Lord Weeks, Temples and Bathing Ghat at Benares, ca. 1883-1885. Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, NY, USA. Art Travels

Memoirs of India by Edwin Lord Weeks

Edwin Lord Weeks was a remarkable American painter and one of the most celebrated Orientalists of his time. He lived a coveted life of travel and...

Maya M. Tola 24 October 2022


Picasso and His 15 Versions of Les Femmes d’Alger

When the Algerian War of Independence began on 1st November 1954, Pablo Picasso felt an urge to somehow respond to the violence and suffering that...

Magda Michalska 3 October 2021

Museum Stories

Highlights of the Clark Art Institute

The Clark Art Institute, often referred to as “The Clark,” was founded in 1950 to house the extensive art collection of Sterling and Francine...

Anastasia Manioudaki 15 October 2020


Best Male Nudes in Art History (NSFW!)

Nudity in art first became significant in ancient Greece. The athletic competitions at religious festivals celebrated the male body as an embodiment...

Anuradha Sroha 18 July 2020