Richard Tuschman is a fine art photographer, whose works has appeared on a number of book covers, ad campaigns and exhibitions. In his project, Hopper Meditations he recreated famous Edward Hopper paintings in an unconventional way.
Tuschman builds dioramas and fills them with dollhouse furniture that he purchases or builds. Then he puts figurines in to match the lighting. Then the models are photographed against a plain backdrop and the two images are made into a digital composite in Photoshop.
Why Hopper? Tuschman says: “I have always loved the way Hopper’s paintings, with an economy of means, are able to address some of the psychological mysteries and complexities of the human condition. I love the humble nature of the works and their sense of quietude. The characters’ emotional states can seem to waver paradoxically between reverie and alienation, or perhaps between longing and resignation.”
Here they are, with their original inspirations:
1. Morning in the City

2. Summer in the City

3. Hotel by a Railroad

4. Morning Sun

5. 11. AM