#Matthias Grünewald


Secrets of the Isenheim Altarpiece: Interview with Experts

Throughout art history, Jesus has been depicted in all his states, from life to death, not to mention the resurrection. The works that represent him...

Christopher Michaut 27 May 2024

Masterpiece Stories

Isenheim Altarpiece – Polyptych About Pain and Passion

Isenheim Altarpiece by Matthias Grünewald is a polyptych about pain and passion. It’s a complex piece consisting of several parts and sections,...

Magda Michalska 21 March 2024

Women Artists

Frida Kahlo and the Symbolism in Her Art

Frida Kahlo – a female surrealist to some, and a pioneer of her own artistic expression. Her first European exhibition, championed by André...

Emre Kagitci 6 July 2023