Lady Gaga Is Art – A Post Not Only For Her Fans

Magda Michalska 19 November 2016 min Read

Since Lady Gaga won the Best Look and Best Female Act prizes at this year’s MTV EMAs, we want to congratulate her by showing you yet another side of her artistic persona: a painterly one!

In 2013 she cooperated with the American artist Robert Wilson to produce 3 video portraits referring to art history and 1 referring to ancient Japanese art of rope bondage. The portraits were shot in October in London and premiered  in a groundbreaking installation at the Louvre Museum. This marked the first time that the Louvre decided to work so closely with a contemporary artist and a pop culture icon.
The medium for Wilson’s Video Portraits is HD video but there is more to it: the form blurs time-based cinematography with the frozen moment of still photography. Moreover, the Video Portraits infuse references to painting, sculpture, design, architecture, dance, theater, photography, television, film and contemporary culture.

1. Andrea Solario

Andrea Solario, The Head of Saint John the Baptist, 1507.
Andrea Solario, The Head of Saint John the Baptist, 1507.

And here is Lady Gaga as John the Baptist’s Head:

2. Jean-Auguste Dominique Ingres

Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, Portrait Of Mademoiselle Rivière, 1805, Musée du Louvre, Paris, France
Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, Portrait Of Mademoiselle Rivière, 1805, Musée du Louvre, Paris, France

Lady Gaga as Mademoiselle Caroline Riviere

3. Jacques-Louis David

Jacques-Louis David, The Death of Marat, 1793, Musée Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium
Jacques-Louis David, The Death of Marat, 1793, Musée Royaux des Beaux-Arts, Brussels, Belgium

Lady Gaga as Marat:

Well done Lady Gaga, keep being so artsy!

Find out more:

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