#John William Waterhouse


Greek Mythological Creatures That Combine Female Beauty and Beastly Ugliness

Gods, goddesses, demigods, horrible monsters, and beasts of hybrid forms roam the world of Ancient Greek mythology. Their heredity shaped many of the...

Bolor Jargalsaikhan 3 October 2023

game of thrones art: Left: Alexandre Cabanel, Fallen Angel, 1847, Musée Fabre, Montpellier, France. Detail. Right: Sansa Stark.  WTF Art History

How Art Inspired the Game of Thrones

It has been a while since Game of Thrones ran its course. Are you planning to re-watch it anytime soon? Trying to escape our current bleak world, for...

Joanna Kaszubowska 21 September 2023

Rivers in paintings: J.M.W. Turner, The Fighting Temeraire, 1839, National Gallery, London, UK. Painting

Down by the River: Rivers in Famous Paintings

From the dawn of civilization, rivers have been the crux of human life. Most great cities are built around rivers. We use them for sustenance,...

Anastasia Manioudaki 22 March 2023

New year’s traditions, New Year’s Eve at Grandfather’s House Art State of Mind

Ring Out the Old, Ring In the New—New Year Traditions Around the World

New Year’s is the last holiday of the old year, the first holiday of the new year and, as such, humans have been marking it for longer than we...

Ledys Chemin 1 January 2022

European Art

Victorian Feminists and Their Supernatural Powers

The Victorian feminists in 19th century England paved the way for the women’s movement across the world. The “New Woman,” as she was...

Anastasia Manioudaki 3 April 2021