#georges de la tour

Georges de La Tour, The Fortune Teller Masterpiece Stories

Masterpiece Story: Fortune Teller by Georges de La Tour

The Fortune Teller is one of Georges de La Tour’s early masterpieces. The Baroque oil painting, once questioned by the Louvre Museum for its...

Anna Ingram 31 May 2024

tenebrism: Gerard van Honthorst, The Procuress, 1625, Centraal Museum, Utrecht, The Netherlands. Art History 101

Tenebrism 101: All You Need to Know

The Baroque movement, which characterizes much of the European art of the 17th century, is known for its dramatic flair. Gods, demigods, and saints...

Anastasia Manioudaki 30 January 2024

Theater & Cinema

Looks Familiar? Art References in Disney Movies

For Disney’s acolytes, spotting hidden references that link different movies brings more excitement and joy than unwrapping presents. But what if...

Giordana Goretti 25 December 2023