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We are looking for contributors!
It doesn’t matter what you would like to write about, we need people interested in all art periods and styles various techniques, motifs. We are looking for authors who can write interesting, brief and light articles that will enlight days of our readers. Now we attract around 50.000 readers in a month.
Unfortunately, we can’t offer you any salary yet – but maybe in the future, this horrible situation will change. What we can offer, of course, is to sign every text by your name and your short bio, add a link to your own blog if you run one, and add your name to our Authors Team.
Moreover, we heavily promote all articles in social media! Currently combining our multiple accounts we have more than 15.000 followers on Twitter, and 74.000 fans on Facebook. If you are an author of a blog, we could tag its account in our posts and tweets.
If you’re interested, would like to know more and join our team – please write us an email at [email protected].

PS. You don’t have to have an art history degree (but of course, you can;). We also welcome students!