Museum Stories

We Show You Why You Must See ‘The Commonly Owned’ Exhibition In Oslo

Magda Michalska 14 March 2018 min Read

Never been to Oslo? It’s the high time to visit, especially that a new exhibition featuring the most important Norwegian artists has recently opened at Kunstnernes Hus, Oslo and will run until April, 29.  It was curated by two curators, Ingebjørg Ydstie and Erik Nilsen, and presents works of over 50 different artists!

Interact with the city

The Commonly Owned' Exhibition
The giant fly (under rigging) by Berit Soot Kløvig is welcoming visitors to the exhibition The Commonly Owned

As the curators explain, The Commonly Owned reflects the interaction between art, architecture, urban spaces and the city’s population, and tells a story about the development of Oslo as a modern capital. It sheds light on the significance of art in urban development and all that such a collection implies: socially, politically and culturally.

See it all one place

Ahmed Umar, Hijab, 2017. This Sudanese Norwegian artist is the representative of the youngest generation in The Commonly Owned Exhibition; Kulturetaten/Oslo Municipality
Ahmed Umar, Hijab, 2017. This Sudanese Norwegian artist is the representative of the youngest generation in The Commonly Owned Exhibition; Kulturetaten/Oslo Municipality

The title of the exhibition refers to the collection owned by Oslo Municipality, which usually is dispersed in various public spaces like public baths, schools, kindergartens, libraries, nursing homes, or even parks, and it emphasizes how the collection belongs to all citizens of Oslo. It consists of over 19,000 works in total and its timeframe spans from late 18th century to our days, making it an extremely diverse and rich in meanings body of work.

Learn Oslo

The Commonly Owned' Exhibition
May von Krogh, Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. The hands can’t hit what the eyes can’t see, 2016, Kulturetaten/Oslo Municipality

The organizers of the exhibition, that is Oslo Municipality’s Agency for Cultural Affairs (Kulturetaten) and Kunstnernes Hus, offer an education program complementing the show. It includes guided tours to Groruddalen and Solli plass, which are two art-centered neighborhoods in Oslo, or to Oslo Town Hall and Oslo Concert Hall. One can also historical and contemporary films regarding the city, or participate in seminars organized in collaboration with the Oslo Art Academy. Moreover, a collection of essays by some of the country’s foremost authors will be made available for everyone to read about their experiences of art in Oslo.

See the best and the rising stars

The Commonly Owned' Exhibition
Harald Sohlberg, Spring evening by the Akershus Fortress, Oslo, c.1900, Kulturetaten/Oslo Municipality

The biggest names of Norwegian painting, like Harald Sohlberg, Christian Krohg and Per Krohg, will be exhibited alongside well-known sculptors like Arnold Haukeland, or May von Krogh (see her work above).  You will see photographs by several famous Norwegian photographers like Tom Sandberg and Vibeke Tandberg, and works by contemporary Norwegian artists such as Odd Nerdrum, or Håkon Bleken.

Per Krohg, Oslo Harbour, 1938, Kulturetaten/Oslo Municipality
Per Krohg, Oslo Harbour, 1938, Kulturetaten/Oslo Municipality
 Vibeke Tanberg – Living together series The Commonly Owned' Exhibition
Vibeke Tandberg,  Living together series, Kulturetaten/Oslo Municipality

Find out more:

You can find all artists at Kunstnernes Hus, Wergelandsveien 17, Oslo and find out more on their website: See you there!

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